I tried depo provera to turn off my ovaries but all I did was bleed constantly so I gave up on it. I wasn't getting laid anyway, so it seemed kind of useless. I tried a ketogenic diet and getting to really low bodyfat but I couldn't stick to keto and my neurologist told me I'd never get my bodyfat low enough to stop having periods.
My senses are INCREDIBLY jacked up around my periods (and stay that way the week before, the week of, and a few days after), I'm really irritable, and I take about 3x more valium than usual. I'm ready to go punch my dad in the face because he's eating chips.
I could have a hysterectomy, but after the number of surgeries I've already had I don't want another one. The side effects won't kick in until I'm dead (cancer).
What on earth do you think you are, if not a robot, albeit a very complicated one? - Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene