cry, cry, cry- and bad temper, food cravings. breast pain, cry a little bit more.
i also sometimes get period pain before hand too- just to really prolong things. my body temprature drops too.
it really cranks up some of my a.s- i get more confused and shut-down-ish, the outside world is even harder to deal with; i want to scream, and stab people. im so nice be near.
on the up side, i did find that taking udo's oil
made ALL of my symptoms go away, made my periods far far lighter, and shorter (3 days, down from 7!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!). plus, i had pain so severe it was thought i had endometriosis (turns out i dont), and i had NO CRAMPS AT ALL. genius... its a blend of omega oils- evening primrose, hemp etc. you put a spoonful in a smoothie.
annoyingly, since im really sensative to smell and taste, i cant take it any more; but ive never heard anyone else having this, so its just my freakishness. some people even like the taste. ive not found a substitute yet- the viridian one does nothing.
anyway, i really do urge anyone with pmt to give it a try- its about £10 a bottle, so its not prohibitivly expensive. there are capsules, too, but they are gelatin. its also good for skin and hair, too. win win, really.