LKL wrote:
I have more of a problem with 'Sweetie' or 'Dear.' If you're not my parents' age or older, you don't get to use a diminutive on me without being considered condescending.
oh yeah I remember my swim coach used to call all the girls dear constantly, didnt really care for it, especially the way he used it
CaroleTucson wrote:
To me, a "lady" is the female equivalent to "gentleman". Perhaps both words are over-used and have lost their impact, but in general I appreciate being considered a "lady", which to me simply means that you treat people right and act with a certain amount of class.
yeah thats true, how often do we hear men being referred to as gentlemen? Not as often as women are referred to as ladies. To me: this gives a greater expectation for women to act refined.
How many times have I heard my friends use the term "lovely ladies" quite a bit. I think the male equivalent would be "handsome gentlemen", I dont hear that term used that often and when I hear that, its normally by older people.