I'm not sure if this is the best place to put this but I'm on SSI because of my various 'issues' if you wanna put it that way. I've been working on becoming more independent from my parents and I'll be moving into an apartment this month. I needed to have my SSI increased because you get more if your no longer living with your parents. I've called the office and tried to speak with my case manager several times last month to let her know I'm moving out in April but she never picks up and she never returns my messages. I said very clearly in the various messages I've sent when I'm moving out and where I'm moving out to, I assumed she got it. April rolls around annnd I've found that my benefits haven't gone up, now I have to pick between paying my new bills...or eating. I've got a small job but it's only a couple of hours and not enough to help me, they only hired me because they needed someone to work a small shift so I can't ask for more.
So I don't know what to do. I can't get anyone to answer and they aren't calling me back, I don't even know if they are getting my messages. I don't know where to turn now because the guys I'm supposed to talk too aren't answering. Can you guys help me? Give me some advice on what to do about this? Who to talk to now since the Social Security office is ignoring me.
God, I'm so frustrated with all this. I thought moving out was supposed to be something to be proud of? Especially for someone like me who'd you think could never be this independent! Now I've already hit a massive wall and it feels like they're deliberately ignoring me now and I don't know where to turn.....
Is there an online system for your state that allows you to make changes on a website? It may take up to 30 days for any changes to take affect and, even with that in mind, changes might not be considered until they are applicable. Meaning... they might not consider that you're living on your own until you can prove you're living on your own (bills, lease, id changes, etc.). Then, on top of that, a likely 30-day processing fee. This is what sucks about SSI and it's only going to get worse with the more cuts that government makes to these programs. I'm sorry you have to choose between food and bills. Try seeking out other programs that may help you pay bills (like the utilities) so you don't fall behind. Also, you should consider applying for food stamps if you don't already receive them. And keep calling.