Paula wrote
Because of ignorance people suffer unnecessarily. People tend to be ignorant over subjects they are uncomfortable with. Womens products,womens issues including periods should be discussed and in an appropriate setting such as the womens forum. What goes on in our bodies is natural and when it is a problem it should be brought up. But no
one will bring it up if they aren't comfortable. I think discussing what we use and what makes us comfortable with our issues and such should be brought up, so when a problem arises a female can come on here and ask..."is this normal, is this ok, does anyone else feel this way,what works for you, what dosn't". Then that way no subject or concern relating to us will be untouched, any women or young lady can come on this forum and know they are amongst friends who will not judge her, and I think thats important.
I think that should be posted as the blurb for this subject. and in the mans forem i could not under stand why all the bicthing about 'do we need a this forem or not' expchly from the men
but you have just explaned why one is needed, so well, so pointley thanks
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