I'm not a great person for advice, but I know sometimes I have said things to my husband that it's like "OUCH" afterwards... maybe I shouldn't have told that part of the story...but I get so carried away telling my story that I tell him things I know that he doesn't even want to hear. I also don't remember things that people tell me, or answers I give to questions, if I am interrupted from my train of thought.
Have you tried just changing the subject when she brings it up? Or skipping past it somehow?
I only say this, because if I was purposely bringing up a touchy subject to alarm someone...if they skipped of the topic I would keep bringing it up again like "Hey don't you notice what I'm saying?" Or I'd be like, "Why didn't you say anything about _____?"
Chances are, if she doesn't say anything like that, and things just move one...she didn't mean anything by it. She probably didn't notice, or maybe she did but she's let it go too.
Good luck.
AQ Score: 44/50 Aspie Quiz: 175/200-Aspie 31/200-NT
Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams.
Ralph Waldo Emerson