Choosing Girlfriends
I'm thinking of certain people in my life. Sometimes friends say things that bother me and I want to come off as unfriendly because of it.
For example, my friend is offended that I'm not inviting her to my very small wedding ceremony (only 15 people). She's more offended because I'm inviting my best friend, the rest is family. The one who is invited has been like my soul mate/long-distance twin sister for more than 7 years, and she can hang out with my fiancé by herself if she wanted. The offended friend has been close for about 3-4 years... and she doesn't really know my fiancé. Some people don't think numbers make a difference, but the truth is, I feel closer to my other friend.
Anyway, now it seems like she's always offended when I don't hang out with her or even when I mention my best friend in conversation. And for some reason, that annoys me and makes me want to be less friendly to her. Or I just want to make it clear as to how misguided she is about our friendship. It's one of those days again.
I'm just very picky about the people I surround myself with. I find that there are girls who desperately want to be my friend and it turns me off. Anyone feel the same?
Well I can kinda relate a little. Unlike you, theres not a whole lotta girls that actually wanna be my friend. I do have female friends, but Im rather selective amongst who is close to me. But i feel like a lot of them dont really know that. Cause Im pretty receptive towards them. Theres a lot of women who I just dont connect with, thats just the fact. Its not like, Im actually that choosy. Its just the way personalities get along and who you can connect with and who u cant. I cant connect emotionally with most women. We can still be friends, but often theres something missing to the friendship.