I didn't even know what jealousy was for a long time. It couldn't be explained to me because it made no sense.
Beauty couldn't be explained to me either-because it didn't make sense.
Meanwhile I had a habit of noticing every one else's really cool attributes-the things that made them them. Not in a jealous way.
I did notice a strange trend of girls or the rare friend going for the guy--only after I did. And found that pretty bizarre and painful since I only went for the ones that I both liked and were statedly unwanted by other chicks (territory politeness)~
Maybe that had something to do with the human tradition of deciding what is 'in' by what others do.
I just can't see being jealous of someone of a bad moral (one who hurts another purposely due to jealousy or any other factor)
At the same time, being the recipricant of jelasy, as an apergers is a double whammy.
I've actually been hesitant to excersice because the catty-ness in my life will start up again and I am not sure I have the tools to handle it--so I'll give myself diabetes instead.
I had good eyes, good teeth, thick hair, a small muscular body.
Had they known I couldn't see, had broken my back and jaw, fear perfect teeth, and envy the english, would they have felt better? Even that doesn't make sense.
Still, I have a tendency to envy or feel good about other females, even though as either a pretty person or an aspergers I am rarely taken seriously and almost always denied acess to basic services as if I have a face and no soul worth caring enough about as the next girl.
I'm supposed to have made up for this with good looks-but is being the object of others superficial attention really a compensation?
I guess maybe indeed I am jealous, but I am going to leave my answer because of the way it read to me. No. I love my 'sisters', I am not jealous of what they have or are, I am happy/proud for them-it seems a right minded approach.
"I'm sorry Katya, my dear, but where we come from, your what's known as a pet; a not quite human novelty. It's why we brought you.... It's nothing to be ashamed of, my dear, but here you are and here you'll sit."