that sounds very much like what i do. as a baby, i discovered taking apart the edges of the carpet, and keeping a handful of it hidden in my bed, where, to go to sleep, it was my trusty thumb and brushing the rough glued part of the carpet yarn around my lips. now, i make my own 'yarn' by buying the batting usually sewn into baby quilts, which i cut into long strips. i handspin the strips into yarn, which curls into tight loops. at that stage, i tie them together, and dribble FrayCheck (its a product for sewers to stop frizzling in buttonholes, hems and such) over all the yarn, soaking it in it. when it dries, its nice and scratchy, i can wind the yarn around my fingers, hold it tightly or brush it around my lips when im tense, tired, etc. been doing variations of this for almost 40 years (im 51), and it helps a lot.
a service dog is better, but my Anja died last year, and i havent been able to replace her, so i've been much tenser since then.
Melpomene wrote:
I run my fingernails across my lower lip. If the skin on the side of my thumb is rough, that will do too. I honestly don't have the faintest clue why I do it, but it's comforting nonetheless.