nana80 wrote:
Shoud there be some function witch disables men from reading and or wrting here?
Only if such a function could automatically detect the Y chromosome. Otherwise, there is nothing to prevent a man from changing his stated sex in his personal settings to post in a "Women Only" forum, thereby bypassing any automated "gatekeeper".
nana80 wrote:
Should men refrain from writing even though they are technally able to?
If a man has nothing worthwhile to contribute to a
serious discussion, then it would be better for all concerned for him to not post.
nana80 wrote:
Or should the men post if they have helpfull ideas?
Believe it or not, some men may have helpful ideas.
Restricting this forum to women only is not only impractical, it is sexist - it discriminates against men. Also, if there is going to be strict enforcement, then other special interest groups will want their own exclusive forums, as well. Then WrongPlanet will become a website devoted to separatism and isolationism - anathema to any website with a stated intent of bringing people together.