Female Adult Diagnosis/Provider Advice? - Southeast region

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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29 Oct 2013, 5:55 pm

1. PLEASE HELP: Do any of you have recommendations for providers in the southeast US who believe in heterosexual female asperger's/autism? :roll:

2. Just had a nightmarish diagnostic experience in the Southeast US, from an [older] [male] Asperger's/HFA "specialist" who, yes, truly stated that:
(a) "Heterosexual females are only very rarely susceptible to Asperger's. In fact, though the occasional female, often homosexual, may display some signs, in my clinical experience I've realized this is really a male disorder."
(b) He "do[es] not believe in psychological panel testing because anyone worth his salt can tell if a person has Asperger's from just 5-10 minutes of very careful observations."
(c) "All women experience sensory overload issues." He told me that if I were to document the dates of my [daily, constant, extreme] sensory hypersensitivities, I would discover they are just a "normal part of the ups and downs of your womanly cycle."
(d) This man concluded our meeting with an amazing conspiratorial rant about how Temple G. is an opportunistic fraud -- he "only needed to hear her speak once to realize she is not on the spectrum" and he now militantly proclaims that TG is simply an awkward woman whose lifelong difficulties stem from her own anxiety about said awkwardness.

Seeeeriously. Any recommendations for legitimate providers in the Southeast region would be greatly welcomed.

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29 Oct 2013, 6:39 pm

Horrors! My adivice is to just RUUUUUN from this degreed and licensed quack....
Unfortunately, there are a lot of pseudopsychiatrists and pscho-therapists out there. They do tremendous harm.
You are right to get away from this guy.

I don't have any specific leads for you, but you have my sincere and empathy (yes, I'm a heterosexual female on the spectrum, and yes, I think I know how you feel) Perhaps there is a University nearby with a good research or teaching program. Maybe a reputable and supportive national organization could have some local leads for you.


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29 Oct 2013, 6:44 pm

This site might give you some leads on support groups...who might have people who can give you local leads. Even though it's designed for NT parents etc...they might know someone, somewhere who can help you.
http://www.parentingaspergerscommunity. ... ic/492.cfm


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30 Oct 2013, 5:43 am

Tom Kelly, who's a PTSD counselor at Fort Campbell, KY dxed me- he's an Aspie as well, and was the first of many, many shrinks my parents had dragged me to who advocated for me against their somewhat tyrannical views of normalcy.

I'm trying to find his contact info, but having no luck. :(

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31 Oct 2013, 8:10 am

I am having the same difficulty because I can speak well in certain situations, like in a therapist/psychiatrist's office.

"Womanly cycles"?! !! How old was this guy? I was like this waay before I had "womanly cycles". It's not like women are born menstruating. :roll:

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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12 Nov 2013, 7:44 pm

I am seeing a clinical psychologist soon in the South East of the UK for an assessment. So far she has been clear in her emails to me and has not pressured me to use the phone which I really appreciate! I'd rather not write the name on here but if you search around the terms "adult", "assessment", "aspergers" and "woking" you should come up with the right person. I have heard good things, from parents mainly, I do not have direct experience myself yet.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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12 Nov 2013, 7:44 pm

I am seeing a clinical psychologist soon in the South East of the UK for an assessment. So far she has been clear in her emails to me and has not pressured me to use the phone which I really appreciate! I'd rather not write the name on here but if you search around the terms "adult", "assessment", "aspergers" and "woking" you should come up with the right person. I have heard good things, from parents mainly, I do not have direct experience myself yet.


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15 Nov 2013, 9:07 pm

Not sure if you're still looking, but this should help. http://www.help4aspergers.com/pb/wp_057 ... 97c6f.html