Shops that sell bras and knickers
OK, I know it's immature, but I really despise women's underwear shops. I find them boring, not to mention cringing - seeing bras hanging up everywhere what women are going to putting their tits into, and knickers hanging up everywhere what women are going to buy and put over their vaginas (OK, we're getting a bit rude here, but I'm saying how I really feel). I just don't see the fascination in these shops, like other women I know do.
There's no proof that cringing in women's underwear shops is because I have AS, but it seems to me that most women who I know walk into a women's underwear shop and could browse for ages and comment on the different types, and buy themselves these little silky knickers and these enormous bras or if they're smaller-titted buy these little sexy laced bras....nope, doesn't interest me. I'd rather stick to my plain, cotton underwear what I get from Sainsburys.
Do other girls here not like underwear shops, or is it just me being boring? I know there are lots of NT women are out there who ain't so keen on women's underwear shops, but am I the only one who think it's cringing?

Joined: 11 Nov 2011
Age: 60
Gender: Female
Posts: 11,447
Location: About 50 miles past the middle of nowhere
They don't bother me at all, and in fact I'd love to have some of that stuff. When I was younger and before I had kids I used to buy my matching bra and underwear sets there and nice nightgowns and stuff. They are really expensive though.
I do like knowing that I have something on thats really pretty under my clothes. Even if I have on jeans and tshirt it's nice to know that I'm wearing a knockout bra and panty set. I remember that feeling. Barely lol!
Nowdays I buy my panties in packs of 4 or 5 at Wal Mart and I hate buying bras so I'll wear the one I have until it wears out. I have to try them on first. I'm small breasted and I like to have some sort of padding, but I don't want an underwire that hurts. I bought three new bras last year and loved them at the time. Now I hate them because of how they feel.
I actually have several beatuiful nightgown and robe sets hanging in my closet but I never wear them because they just don't feel "right". Sometimes I'll put them on and wear them around the house in the evening but I change into one of my old comfortable nightgowns before bed.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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These shops don't appeal to me either. They're little shrines to frou frou. The whole ritual of shopping for lingerie is unappealing. Somehow I don't need lace and underwire to feel good about myself. I've tried to wear this stuff and it just feels wrong. It's too skimpy, fussy, scratchy, or constricting. Then there's the ridiculously high prices for so little material. I probably couldn't relate well with the women who shop there unless they're burlesque stars or something else in the counterculture.
I know a few men who buy underwear for themselves in such shops, but that's another story.
What's for you, won't go past you.
To me, it goes back to the old "adornment v. function" problem I always have, and these shops fall way, way, way too much on the adornment side for my taste. Additionally, I'm large-framed and muscular and have a large bottom and very large breasts so most of these shops (except the real high end ones) don't carry my size, or if they do their wares look ridiculous on me because the styles were designed for smaller-proportioned women. I'm also in my 40's, and most of this stuff is not for the slightly-tired, has-had-some-babies body.
If I need something structured for a special strapless or backless dress, I'll make the sacrifice and go to a high-end shop and get fitted for a corset-style bra, but I won't go to those places normally. The cost is really prohibitive and I always feel ripped off (I feel the same way about furniture and bedding/mattresses, too).
I'm also unpartnered, and my own appearance doesn't really matter much to me. What I mean is that what I look like doesn't really affect how I feel about myself, moment to moment, and pretty underwear wouldn't do anything for me and my "self-image" except make me poor.
I hate buying bras because it's hard to find one that fits and I always have to try on about a dozen and even then I don't always find one that's well enough fitting to buy. It depresses me.
Shops which specialise in underwear, or lingerie if it's more expensive, tend to offer a wider range and have staff who know their stock well and can advise me better.
I only go when I have to though, and usually at sale time. I do feel and look better when my bra fits properly though, so it is worth it.
A couple of weeks ago I did manage to buy a bra that fits, from the discount branch of Marks and Spencers, so I'm going to go back soon and buy at least another two exactly the same.
I loathe them for the following reasons:
1. the smell they are always massively overpowering with 15 or 20 different perfumes dispersed about a.k.a. "insta-headache".
2. the decor it's like what a 6 year old playing dress up or princess would choose.
3. the sales clerks, sales clerks make me very uncomfortable in general, sales clerks who want to talk about and sometimes even "offer" to touch my boobs it is a whole new level of faux platitude thinly veiled money desiring interaction now with sex.
4. in all retail experiences I am always mindful and painfully aware of the likely circumstances of workers who made the products, and the ways that advertisers and marketers influence folks, (mostly with fear or shame), to purchase goods they do not need, for these reasons I can't stand being in most stores for very long, and lingerie stores have a very special additional whammy on body image for most folks that I know is going on, and therefore disturbs me.
I never really walk into places like BnT unless I'm looking for something specific which I can't get in the department stores (for example I bought a pink satin slip there once, but it was to go underneath a pink dress I got for a wedding).
The price is my main deterring factor for most of their stuff. I don't care if Elle or Kylie have their name on the label. You can get something just as decent at Target (they always have a good selection of that sort of "lacy" stuff) for 1/2 the price.