RightGalaxy, having done four years in naval intelligence in the early eighties--long before I had ever heard of AS--I would go one step further and say the military is no place for aspies.
As with the police, the military tends to attract macho-type men who value violence and rough behavior. These men are young, and I suspect they have higher than average levels of testosterone. Putting an attractive woman into this situation is like putting a cat into a pen full of pit bulls, especially while out at sea or on exercises where there are no other women. I went for as long as four months without seeing a woman. Fortunately for me, I'm not particularly over-sexed. But a lot of sailors I knew were. So, they take the women available rather than women for whom such arrangements would be consensual.
I'm guessing this is the reason women haven't served in the military until recently, as well as the reason why nerdy-type aspies are out of place.