Wish I was a man
No, I'm not lesbian, but sometimes I wish I was a man (no, I'm not getting a sex change, I'm not that desperate). I feel that being feminine is too much like hard work, and there are a lot of things I don't like what most women seem to like. People often criticise me to be more feminine, and that a lot of things I like are masculine. Now it's made me think that being a man would be so much easier. I don't have to worry about being criticised into wearing fussy silky underwear just for the sake of being sexy, where as men can just pull on a pair of boxer shorts, doesn't even matter if they're ripped, and they still get considered sexy. Also men can just pull on an old T-shirt and boxer shorts when they go to bed, but people have criticised to me that if I got a boyfriend I must wear sexy underwear and silky pink bed T-shirts or nighties because I'll be more feminine. But I love my shorts and T-shirt pyjamas (which are for women anyway, they are pink with butterflies on, and I got another pair of shorts and T-shirt pyjamas that also are feminine). Also men don't have to wear make-up, and their perfume actually smells stronger and stays on them all day, and they can even get away with going out looking a bit dirty. Also I have heard something very irksome the other day, when someone said that it is sometimes OK for a man to smell of BO, and that it turns some women on! Oh, so now men are allowed to smell too!
It's not fair. Why is there more pressure on a woman than there is a man?! Why do women have to make more effort to mark their gender territory, where men can just throw on any T-shirt and jeans, with no obligation to wear make-up, and still look so presentable with no risks of being criticised into looking better?
because everyone cares more about looks when it comes to females ( even most women judge other women by how they look, and very much so when it comes to fashion.) Most guys don't care too much about what kind of pajamas you wear, honestly, and we generally like how you smell too. Some BO is sexy for women too, and women can be very sexy even when they have messy hair and sweaty bodies (maybe even more so than without.) Make-up is unnecessary for the most part but if it's subtle enough it can improve looks in my opinion. I honestly don't think you need to have great fashion choices to impress a guy, but other women will be impressed.
Joined: 5 Jan 2010
Age: 50
Gender: Female
Posts: 12,804
Location: Lost on Earth, waddya think?
I know how you feel, men always seem to be much happier and easygoing and a better sense of humor than women. Or maybe they're just better at hiding it or cover up their sorrows by drinking and junk. Women always seem completely MISERABLE. Well not all women, my mother seems to be happy most of the time. My mom isn't obsessed with shoes and she's the boss of a place that recycles scrap metal and most of the the workers are male. But she doesn't consider herself any less of a women because of it. Of course there are some things I like about being female. I can like the color pink and fairies and My Little Pony and dolls and stuffed animals. But it really annoys me that people think I'm not supposed to like video games. Of course I don't really like bloody gory war-themed shoot-em-ups, but it seems your enjoyment of video games these days is never taken seriously unless you do. There are other females who claim they like bloody video games too, it's not just guys. But I'm like, "Why is it a GOOD thing to like such games?" I find the way people's lust for blood and gore disturbing. But I'm getting off topic. I hate how society pressures girls and women to always look, act, and smell perfect. I hate that girls want plastic surgery instead of a car or even money when they graduate. I hate how some women want their breasts to be the size of freakin' BEACH BALLS, I hate how the ads for stupid worthless diet products are almost always female, and that guys with a little grey hair are supposedly distinguished while greying women are just OLD, and I hate that they make shoes for women that will destroy your feet and I REALLY hate the women who are seemingly NT but won't stop gushing in their shrill voices about how much they looove their shoes. I don't get it, they're just SHOES! And I hate that if you're female it's supposedly NOT okay to wear jeans and a T-Shirt every day like guys can OR not have a boyfriend or a husband and three-point-whatever kids.
This. Well, maybe not the triple hate part, but, yeah.
Count me as another one who thinks it would have been better if I was just born a man. I don't want a sex change, and I'm also not a lesbian (asexual). I just know that if we had a choice before birth what we wanted to be I would have picked outie instead of innie.
Guys have societal pressures, they're just about 'reputation'/social stature rather than physical appearance.
I.e. you cannot (especially if you're young), without suffering negative consequences:
back down from a fight,
let someone mock you in public without retaliation,
not have sex with any and all willing women,
show any emotion other than confidence, anger, or hornyness (anything else is 'weak'),
prefer baths to showers,
use the word 'cute' (a person on another forum mentioned telling a coworker's that her screen saver was cute, and the coworker said, "Yep, I always knew you were gay")
and on and on.
I can't say from experience if it's equally ludicrous, but it's pretty ludicrous.
So, yeah, you can look like hell, but if someone takes your jacket off a bar stool and throws it on the floor while you're playing pool, you have the choice to fight or shout & threaten scarily enough to start a fight, or never go back to that bar (or else every dick who 'has something to prove' will be in your face until you hit one of them in front of the others.) (And no, I am not a 'tough guy' who regularly frequents such places.)
Yeah same here, I do kinda wish i was born male but then i dont wanna get a sex change because I've already lived 23 years as females and worked so far to work with the standards that society puts on me. But if i were to go back and be born and raised a guy then I wonder if i would have been better off. I'm pretty sure I would have ended up with better math/techy skills, ended up much more argumentative, and had bad hygiene. I can give off a somewhat faked feminine appearance. Smile, laugh, raise the pitch in my voice when I have to but I didnt figure out how to do that until I was 22. My feminine behavior is learned forms of civilized behavior.
I blame the media. A lot of those "feminine" expectations are drummed into everyone through advertising, creating a new need to push a product. There's nothing like watching an anti-wrinkle commercial featuring a model who probably isn't over eighteen, or else someone who has been airbrushed into a glowing, featureless radiance.
I don't think the guys have it that much easier in today's world, and wouldn't want to be one. We're finally moving away from the ideas of the male being "king of the castle", and women have gone from chattel to an independent force to be reckoned with.
While there might be a stereotypical vision of what femininity is, people just need to be themselves and being willing to push the envelope on what it truly encompasses.