Hah; I'm awful at keeping anything but my books organized. I tend to let it pile up until I keep tripping, then I go into a mad organization frenzy. (I'm a teenager, though; perhaps it's allowed.) I'm amazed at my own mother, who manages to juggle decorating the house (she makes all our drapes, among other things), dealing with my four-year-old sister, and managing a house full of people. She's not pleased about it, and is planning to find a job soon, though. Cleaning unprompted? You must be joking. Thankfully I can cook fairly well, or I'd be worrying even more than I already am about what will happen when I get to college (especially since I am extremely picky and have issues about eating any food I percieve to belong to someone else).
On the subject of kids, they drive me up the wall. I'm uncomfortable enough with people my own age; when they get much younger, I get very uncomfortable. When the aforementioned youngest sister was born, it took me two years before I could view her with anything like affection, and before she was born I was downright phobic. Spare me the pictures of babies! I'm willing to 'mentor' kids roughly eight and up if I have to, but babysitting--no way! I'd leap at the chance to petsit, though.
Frankly, I don't know what women are 'supposed' to talk about--I am the sort that generally wants to discuss dogs, schoolwork, language or books, and I've discovered that it's usually geeks and nerds of both genders who want to talk the latter three. (I usually have to wait until I get home and hit the forums to talk dogs, alas.) I'm not into stereotypical guy stuff either, since sports bore me and most intricate computer stuff frankly confuses me.
cogito, ergo sum.
non cogitas, ergo non es.