so what makes any of you women think you have aspie's?
I think you misunderstand, jonathandoors.
To attract a man is not difficult, you simply need to have what that man would consider a desirable physique. When a female is approached by a male who is seeking sexual interaction it has very little to do with her social skills. To be blunt, he is simply seeking something to put his penis in. The only time her personality comes into play is if he finds it a significant obstacle in getting her to let him get her clothes off.
In the reverse situation, where a female approaches a man for similar contact, very different factors are in play. Social skills count. Potential for a lasting relationship counts. etcetera etcetera.
To accuse women of not having AS simply because they are physically attractive is rude, and somewhat aggressive.
(BTW, Aspie is a word used to identify a person with Aspergers, not the condition, and you've misused the apostrophe.
To have aspie's would be an incomplete phrase. To have an AS person's... what? Your use of the apostrophe signals ownership. For me to accuse you of not having AS because you can't master English would be on par with your statement above.)