nocturneofshadow7 wrote:
Just wondering if this is a common aspie thing, People tell me my maternal instincts will develop but I haven't developed them at all. Everytime i hear a baby cry i cringe. I don't even like being around kids because they are too noisy. And bother my sensory issues. Anyone else feel the same way? Because im tired of people calling me a cold hearted b.. just because i dont' like kids. Though i don't want to harm them.
I don't think this is necessarily an aspie thing. There are a lot of people with AS who choose not to have children, but that might just be a matter of aspies not being as likely to just go along with the crowd to fit in. There is a strong social push toward reproducing, but there are also people without AS who don't want children.
You might be interested in checking out a childfree site, such as , where the choice to not reproduce is supported and you might find some like-minded people in this regard.
I think it's sad that in our culture people are pressured as much as they are (especially women, it seems to me) to become parents without ever really thinking through the consequences, to their own lives and the world, which is already supporting over 7 billion people. Everyone has the right to choose parenthood, but it should be a well-considered choice.
I like kids, myself, or at least I used to when I was young, not so much now. But I can totally understand the desire not to have them. I didn't have children, and I know that my life would have been much different with them. I was able to retire early, and I know I couldn't have done that if I'd had kids.