bookwyrm wrote:
The trouble with being a parent is that there are an infinite number of ways to do it wrong and not a single way to get it right
This is very true up to a point, but it's not the full story. Although it's true child rearing will break your heart a thousand times, there are still no words to express the depth of feeling you will have for your children. Nothing else in this life even comes close. Your love for your husband is a separate set of emotions altogether, in my opinion.
I don't reccomend it. I love my boys but I feel so guilty about all the ways I have failed them
Everyone "fails". There are no guarantees in parenthood. There is not a parent alive who doesn't look back and wish they'd done something different. And I really don't think it matters if you are the biological parents or not. I fully understand the desire not to "contribute to the gene pool", and that is one's own choice, of course. Being "mommy" is not dependent on shared DNA.
Children are extraordinarily perceptive. They take in feelings and emotions before they even have words for them. Acknowledging your mistakes is part of being grown up, I think, but feeling guilty does your children no good. They will pick up on it, possibly think it's their fault, and perpetuate a "culture of guilt." Or worse, they will be bitter and resentful toward you all their life.
As with everything else in life, you do the best you can, expecting the worst but hoping for the best. But "doing your best" isn't necessarily good enough either if you don't constantly reevaluate what you're doing to try and improve. You try to give your children the tools to be good, decent, caring human beings. You try to give them solid values about how to treat people and how to live a life of integrity.
Beyond that, it's up to them, not you.