As I said, I hope it is my own faulty logic... However, if you look at how the fashion of bald privates came about, you'll find it started with pornography creating the illusion of 'legal' girls as much younger girls.
I have tried shaving, I have tried waxing, I have tried creams, I have tried that 'sanding' thing... I have tried ending with different oils, aloe vera, rubbing alcohol (Let me tell you, you do not try rubbing alcohol on the private areas twice.... ), after shave balms and god knows what else. But no matter what, I always end up with irritation and pimples.
So, I try to apply the following 'rules of grooming' when I am in a relationship.
If my partner likes/wants any grooming from me in the pubic area (actually, any bodily hair removal), they have to return in kind. I shave my legs if they shave theirs. I shave the pubes if they shave theirs. Generally the partner realizes what a waste of time it is, and how annyoing it is to be more or less constantly itching and having razor bumps in private places.
I think that is a fair deal.
About the beard-bit... I don't mind beards, but I do like them groomed. And as I wax/pluck my eyebrows, upper lip and chin, I think it's a fair exchange. I have never had a relationship with a man who thought it unfair, anyways.
I don't really care what other people do with their bodies, that is entirely up to them.
However, I will not do anything to my body to please a partner, unless they are willing to do the same. I'm not forcing anyone to be in an intimate relationship with me, and I am not pushing anyone to do something that they are not pushing me to do. If that comes off as unfair, that's fine with me. Like I said, nobody is forced to be intimate with me.