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Tampons or pads?
Pads 51%  51%  [ 123 ]
Tampons 25%  25%  [ 60 ]
Both 21%  21%  [ 51 ]
Neither, I haven't had my period yet/don't get one 3%  3%  [ 7 ]
Total votes : 241

Tufted Titmouse
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30 May 2012, 7:51 pm

Had an annoying experiance with my first time using a tampon today, so I'm wondering...
Do you prefer pads or tampons? Why do you prefer your choice and why do you not prefer the other?

.... In a sexual way.

And yes, I did draw my profile picture. I have more work on deviantart, but it's VERY old. I might just poster newer work on here.

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30 May 2012, 7:57 pm

Pads. Not okay with something being in my hoo-ha all day.

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30 May 2012, 8:47 pm



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30 May 2012, 10:07 pm

I prefer tampons because when I have one in I usually forget that I have my period until I have to go to the washroom. You can go swimming while wearing a tampon, you can't feel the blood gush out and tampons don't start stinking like pads too. Oh yeah, and you don't get that pad bulge in your pants.

When I first started my period I started off with pads but a few months later I was using much more liberty with them. Tampons also have a lesser chance of leaking I find. The trick with tampons is you have to be comfortable with your body. One way to insert a tampon is to lift one leg on to the toilet seat and kind of squat down and insert it. I had a bit of trouble at first as well but this method helped me. I've done it so many times I don't even do it this way now, I just squat down to insert them or take them out.

One thing is for sure, I'm grateful for the person who invented tampons. Playtex is my favourite brand. Never get the cardboard applicators, they're harder to insert.

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30 May 2012, 10:25 pm

I like to have a choice.

But I had a bad experience as well. I missed an important swimming event because my mom told me not to use tampons when I was young. Then I found out that her worries weren't true, and have since been using both.


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30 May 2012, 10:33 pm

Neither - Menstrual Cup.

My flow is far too heavy for tampons and pads, even if that wasn't the case I'd not use tampons or pads again as menstrual cups are far more comfortable, convenient and reliable. Cups are safer and more hygienic than tampons so no risk of TSS, infections, increased cramps or dioxin - thus cups can be worn for 12 hours, with any flow, overnight, before your period, and no need to alternate with pads, they're also better for swimming as nothing shows outside your body and as they hold more flow plus have light suction they don't leak like tampons.

( have more options than just tampons or pads)


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30 May 2012, 11:05 pm

redrobin62 wrote:

Ew, yucky, a BOY!! !

~gives out cootie shots~

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30 May 2012, 11:08 pm

I'm paranoid, so I use a tampon and a maxi pad at the same time. :lol:

If it doesn't make sense, it's probably a Team Fortress 2 reference.


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31 May 2012, 12:50 am

I couldn't wear tampons when I was a girl/teenager. They made me feel nauseous and shaky and they hurt. I tried several times but always had a bad experience.

Then when my early/mid-twenties something changed and they didn't give me the same problems so I switched over. Actually thinking about it now, it may have just been the design. I only use a specific brand - playtex sport - because the other ones just don't fit well.

I have a heavy flow so I usually wear a tampon with a pantyliner. I worry about leaving it in overnight sometimes because I sleep more that 8 hours if I can, so sometimes I'll use a pad. And also I'll use a pad every now and then if I feel like taking a break and not having to worry in the back of my head about making sure to change it in time according to where I'm at flow-wise. Sometimes it's just another thing for me to have to deal with, and pads feel like less hassle.


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31 May 2012, 1:46 am

At the moment, neither. The pill I'm on stops my period. My periods were just too messy and uncomfortable to deal with and set off meltdowns almost every day of each period. Before I was using this particular pill though, I used pads because tampons were uncomfortable.


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31 May 2012, 2:16 am

I just bleed in my diapers. I am starting to think about using soft cups so it's not a bloody mess. Tampons, I just bleed around or bleed through because I had childbirth. I think they are for people who have never had a baby or never did vaginal birth.

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31 May 2012, 7:47 am

Albirea wrote:
I'm paranoid, so I use a tampon and a maxi pad at the same time. :lol:

Me too. I don't like to though because I hate wearing underwear. At least pads are thin now. When I was a teenager they were so bulky and it felt like wearing a diaper and like people could see the shape of it through your pants.

Those cups sound nice but I don't think I could use one because I'd have trouble getting it in and out.

I only use tampons with plastic applicators and a smooth rounded tip. They go in easier. I use Playtex gentle glide. Once I tried silk glide and they were more uncomfortable to get in.


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31 May 2012, 8:12 am

Until very recently, I've had extremely heavy periods and haven't been able to use tampons since I was about 14. I got about 20 mins out of them, then had to change, and always had to wear a pad at the same time. I've been taking turmeric for a few months, to help with an inflamed bowel and it had the unexpected effect of reducing my flow too. I'm over the moon about this, but not enough to start using tampons. :lol:

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31 May 2012, 8:24 am

redrobin62 wrote:
Welcome to our world. Yes, it is kind of gross, but that's life.

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31 May 2012, 8:35 am

Albirea wrote:
I'm paranoid, so I use a tampon and a maxi pad at the same time. :lol:

I think I used to do that awhile when I was a teen. :) My flows were a bit heavier back then though and lasted for 7 days. Now that I'm older I only get my period for 3 or 4 days and they're usually light for the last 2 days.


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31 May 2012, 10:48 am

Pads only. My flow is very heavy, and tampons would too quickly fill up. Plus I can *feel* them in there, constantly, and that's just distracting. And uncomfortable. {I feel very "Princess and the Pea" now}