Women is kissing important in a relationship ?

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05 Dec 2007, 1:40 pm

I am male but need to ask is kissing important in a relationship to you.... As i've been told many times by girls kissing is important one quote i got was a hug is a friend a kiss is a boyfriend why is it important ?


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05 Dec 2007, 1:44 pm

I think you'll get a lot of different answers here, especially from NT women. I'm an Aspie and kissing isn't very important to me, and I don't particularly like it with tongue. Kissing is more important to my husband than it is to me.


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05 Dec 2007, 2:26 pm

I know i will get different ansers but kissing isn't important to me but to women it does seem to matter alot,


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05 Dec 2007, 2:29 pm

It just depends on the woman...we're all different. :wink:


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05 Dec 2007, 2:39 pm

It seems more important with younger girls are you ladies ok with me posting in here ?


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05 Dec 2007, 2:47 pm

I find that kissing is important, to the extent that if I really disliked the way someone kissed I don't think we could have a long term relationship. I've heard people say they've gone all the way to having sex without ever kissing... can't imagine doing that!


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05 Dec 2007, 2:56 pm

Yeah but i dont see myself as the kissing type and some girls think that kissing is really important and brings you both closer,


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05 Dec 2007, 3:02 pm

I like a bit of kissing. I had to essentially teach my now husband how to kiss better (meaning in a way I enjoyed more) - he kissed in the strangest way I'd ever encountered. He would touch my lips with his, and...that's it. No smooching, no mashing, no pressure AT ALL. Just our lips, touching. I'd freeze, not knowing what to do next, waiting for him to do...something. Hugs with him were similar too - he'd go through the motions - put his arms around me - but there would be no pressure whatsoever. It made for a very dissatisfying hugging experience, for me. So we worked on it. Now it's fine. :)


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05 Dec 2007, 3:15 pm

I'm an Aspie and kissing isn't very important to me, and I don't particularly like it with tongue. Kissing is more important to my husband than it is to me.

Me too, exactly.
Little kisses (not on the mouth) are nice though.


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05 Dec 2007, 4:16 pm

As a few others said you're probably going to get mixed answers here, but I'm speaking as an Aspie teenagers and I'm saying yes. Part of it is peer pressure when you're young, but basically I do find it important and so do most of my female friends (who are 12 - 15).


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05 Dec 2007, 4:59 pm

It really depends on the guy, the girl... and other factors. I like kissing, but it isn't the most important thing.


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05 Dec 2007, 5:08 pm

I'm female. I forget to kiss my gf sometimes. I think it upsets her when I forget, because she really likes it and she needs it. It just bores me after a couple of minutes though. I know when she comes over that she's going to want to spend a bit of time making out. And so I do it for her, because you do things for your gf even if you aren't into them.

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05 Dec 2007, 5:40 pm

Saw this question from the home screen, not a girl obviously. :oops: Anywho, do you think it's more fear of intimacy/fear of rejection that's fueling some of your answers? I ask this out of curiousity rather than malice. This fuels some of my behaviors in a relationship, but not necessarily kissing. But, it took me a couple relationships to learn how to do it well though. I do find it difficult to push myself to kiss someone outside of "intimacy time" like when I pick a girlfriend up or, driving in the car, etc...I do, however, know it's important...usually...spontaneous acts of affection, ya know...that sort of thing. Appears forceful sometimes I'm sure. However, I'm sure this topic isn't gender specific. But, NTs have viewed it as a lack of love... :cry: ...ah oui...born to be single.



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05 Dec 2007, 6:25 pm

It was much more important when I was younger. Mostly the novelty of the experience. Kissing was the sexual act of the teen years. Eons later, I'm much more interested in hugging, caresses.


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05 Dec 2007, 6:37 pm

I wouldn't mind having a go at it

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05 Dec 2007, 7:23 pm

I dont like kissing at all, but then I'm pretty sure I'm not part of the majority on this one so maybe you should just ignore me. It doesnt seem to bother my boyfriend so I'm not too worried about it anyway.

I think that when it comes down to an actual relationship your personality and how well you get along should be far more important in the long run.

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