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02 Feb 2014, 12:23 am

ok, since im 17 its obvious i have sexual curiosity, so sometimes i 'investigate' myself and ...i guess theres no way of putting this, stick a finger up there. at first (a few months ago) , i couldn't feel my cervix, but now, i can, and it seems to be getting shorter, its down to only a few centimetres deep, i cant fit my entire finger up!! only half of it.

personally, i don't find it a problem, but heres the REAL issue

prolapse uteruses can get bad, to the point where the uterus completely leaves the body. so, i should probably see a doctor, only problem is, i don't want anyone touching me down there, like at all, its my biggest fear. i dont think i can get diagnosed unless a doctor checks me out, what should i do?! im almost positive you are NOT suppose to feel your cervix within two inches.

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02 Feb 2014, 3:55 am

My understanding of the female anatomy is admittedly rather poor, as I myself am not female nor have I ever had the chance to "do anything" with a woman, but I would definitely see a doctor about it, especially if you're that worried about a prolapsed uterus. I'm pretty sure that if you explained your situation well to your GP, that they would be able to find an OB/Gyn that would be able to work with you.

Of course, from my experiences trying to talk to doctors about my mental health and sleep issues, I find that they can rather cold and unfeeling, sometimes even extremely mean. Since you actually have a physical condition you're concerned about however, they may better understand it and be more willing to work with it.

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02 Feb 2014, 4:17 am

Haha, im only a kid, but i'll try to be the best help i can :D xD

A symptom of uterine prolapse is when the cervix drops to the lower area of (I hope no one minds me using that word xD). That is what it seems to have done, considering you couldn't feel it at first. If you are in fact experiencing a prolapse uterine, it would be on the mild side, moderate is when the cervix actually pokes out of the opening.

To get a more reasonable idea of if you have it or not, if you don't mind ( :oops: )i'll have to ask you if you have any of these symptoms:

The need to urinate, going to the bathroom more often then you used too, or having it just leak out.

Some sort of pain/pressure in the vagina or pelvis, or it feeling heavier then usual as if you have gained weight there in some way (although you wouldn't actually gained any, it just feels as if pressure was exerted on it)

Or some form of backache in the lower area. 'Nuff said xD

You don't really NEED treatment unless it bothers you, because it isnt really anything life threating or whatever, but many woman do get it at the moderate point.

It is still a good idea to see a doctor, though. They wont intentionally bother you :D

About the shrinking cervix, that doesn't seem to be a symtom of uterine prolapse, it would be something unrelated i presume.

Either way, i would get an opinion from a professional. facing fears allows us to grow as a person :mrgreen:

And if you ever plan on..erm...doing it.. You will have to be able to allow people to..erm...touch you there :oops:

Last edited by Neonhusky on 02 Feb 2014, 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.


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02 Feb 2014, 4:22 am

Neonhusky wrote:
It is still a good idea to see a doctor, though. Mabye you could just show pictures? :shrug:

Bad idea. The OP is only 17, so she may get in legal trouble by taking pictures of the affected area. Child pornography charges are not something a person should risk, even if it's just for medically-related reasons. And yes, people who have taken naked pictures of themselves underage have actually gotten in trouble for it before.

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02 Feb 2014, 11:14 am

mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
Neonhusky wrote:
It is still a good idea to see a doctor, though. Mabye you could just show pictures? :shrug:

Bad idea. The OP is only 17, so she may get in legal trouble by taking pictures of the affected area. Child pornography charges are not something a person should risk, even if it's just for medically-related reasons. And yes, people who have taken naked pictures of themselves underage have actually gotten in trouble for it before.

Oh 0-0

I am not quite educated on laws :oops:

I am only 11, and pornagraphy definately dosen't interest me, so i wouldnt know the laws regarding it :wink


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02 Feb 2014, 2:53 pm

There's some variation in the location of the cervix based on the position you are in and the tension in the pelvic muscles. If you are doubled over and bearing down, your cervix will come into easy reach of your fingertips, whereas if you are upright with your pelvic muscles lifted it will be located higher up. It's not prolapsed if it isn't visible outside the entrance of your vagina yet, so I don't think you need to worry. It would be a very unusual thing to happen to a young girl--usually it's a result of pelvic muscles slackened after childbirth or similar.


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03 Feb 2014, 12:16 am

Neonhusky wrote:
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
Neonhusky wrote:
It is still a good idea to see a doctor, though. Mabye you could just show pictures? :shrug:

Bad idea. The OP is only 17, so she may get in legal trouble by taking pictures of the affected area. Child pornography charges are not something a person should risk, even if it's just for medically-related reasons. And yes, people who have taken naked pictures of themselves underage have actually gotten in trouble for it before.

Oh 0-0

I am not quite educated on laws :oops:

I am only 11, and pornagraphy definately dosen't interest me, so i wouldnt know the laws regarding it :wink

I used to be obsessed with reading about laws and the legal system on Wikipedia, and it amazed me just how flagrantly people would break random laws in their every day lives. Of course, for the most part laws are written and enforced by NTs, and NTs don't tend to be quite so "to the letter" about things the way aspies can be. :P

Also, I remember one day back in high school, the principal went to each of the classes to give a lecture about "sexting" and why people shouldn't do it. Essentially, sexting is when people send each other sexually provocative messages or images, often of themselves to their friends through text messages. Anyhow, a few kids at my school had actually been arrested for sending each other naked pictures of themselves, and were placed on the sex offender registry as a result. It's a very touchy and controversial subject, but I can definitely see why there are laws against teens doing it.


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03 Feb 2014, 11:01 pm

I used to have a prolapsed uterus. It is not dangerous but if you ever decide to have kids it could be problematic, though easily fixed with an out patient simple surgery. even if you have no intention of having kids you might want to get it fixed if the pressure causes problems with urine leakage.