Mavennica wrote:
When I see a baby human, I think, "Oh. Someone has reproduced." That's my actual thought. It's not intended to be rude or mean or anything, it's just me noticing a fact. Someone has reproduced (well, two people have reproduced, but you get what I mean). However, when I see a baby animal, I'm all like, "Oh, look! A BABY!" and I proceed to go gaga over it.
I'm a great cat and dog mommy, but not a great candidate to be a human mommy (and I've taken steps to ensure that I don't become one, because I believe that children should be parented by people who want them).
Is anyone else like this, or am I just the weird one in the room?
Same here-I have zero maternal instinct when it comes to infants or youngsters/kids (I'm female & childfree).
When I had a cat, I'd feel great fondness for her, and was overwhelmed by how cute & adorable she was.
Still feel this way when it comes to depictions/portrayals of children (ick) and animals (sweet) whether it be on film, in photos, or stories people tell...
I feel affectionate & protective towards animals, and I feel repulsion and disgust towards kids/babies.
It's a visceral/sensory response for me, can't stand anything baby-related.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*