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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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06 Feb 2015, 12:20 pm

Ok so for about two weeks now I've been obsessing about whether I have aspergers or not. I have a cousin who does and his mom, my aunt doesn't believe I do. I also see symptoms in my 4 year old and 9 year old, but it's too overwhelming to think of going to the psychiatrist for all three of us!! Geez. Also I will say I was addicted to pain pills and anxiety pills for roughly 9 years, I've been clean 2 years and all my issues are back...but it feels worse..maybe BC of the ocd aspect. Also, I had a somewhat traumatic child hood BC my mother was an addict, possibly bipolar, and neglectful. Ok so here's what's going on with me:

Definite ocd. I have intrusive thoughts, I'm a clean freak, can't leave house unless everything is in it's place. When I like a song it will play over and over in my head. I've been googling aspergers, ADHD, ocd, SPD obsessively. I go back and forth with what I think.

SPD: I can remember having sensory issues my whole life. I hate chalky things, hate being barefoot on a unfinished floor. Plates rubbing together. Certain tones of voice, especially if I'm tired. I will rub my hands together if I'm excited. And I rub my hands together and kind of make a shivering face sometimes when I use the bathroom (wonder if it's a coping mechanism from when I was a kid, knew I had to do in private? Maybe? I don't freaking know)
I startle very easily, and I prefer comfortable clothes. Still will dress cute, but can't stand anything overly tight.

Social Anxiety: I love people, never had problems making friends. Just keeping them because I get overwhelmed with a lot of social events. I can enjoy small talk and gossip but do get uncomfortable when it's time to get off phone, or when there is breaks of silence. I get a little uncomfortable with eye contact, and am very insecure about how I'm talking, what I have talked about etc. I will beat myself up after socializing if I feel like I embarrassed myself etc. I can get overwhelmed by in really loud or chaotic situations and feel confused etc. Get very nervous when I have guests. Want my house to be perfectly clean or feel insecure. Can't share or speak in front of a group of people, anxiety gets so bad, it feels like an out of body experience.

Hyperactivity: I feel that I'm shy BC of my anxiety but friends and loved ones disagree. I'm hyper and can be fun to be around. When I was a kid I could
Be overly hyper and in people's personal space. Now when I get excited I may dance or sing or play silly games with my kids.

School years: Could read college level in 5th grade, husband is amazed how I can spell most words. Used to love to write, pretty good at it. Interested in biology, psychology, paleontology (as a kid) Did ok in school but teachers always said I had more potential. I was accused of staring more than most, I was just zoned out. Never did too well in math.

What is worst: The ocd, obsessing, the anxiety, feeling overwhelmed by a task on the calendar (no big deal once I do it) The feelings of insecurity when I have someone over and the way I beat myself up after conversations about what I did wrong. Being impatient and a perfectionist.

I really need your all's advice on what's going on with me!! ! I'm feeling very overwhelmed..if you read all of this thank you, I feel better getting it out. Please help me figure out what's wrong with me so I can be a better mom and person. Oh yeah I'm definitely affectionate and have no problems with I love yous. But please someone give me some insight BC I'm spending way too much time worrying myself sick. Please!! ! ! ! ! ! :roll: :oops: 8O


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Joined: 31 May 2010
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06 Feb 2015, 1:31 pm

I'm not a doctor and the following is just some advise, but have a look at social anxiety disorder. It might fit your symptoms. I would also advise not rushing to a psychologist. If you have Aspergers' you will have had it your whole life and calming down, evaluating your symptoms and what would benefit you at this point in your life before making a decision can only benefit you and your children.

"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

Sherlock Holmes in The Sign Of Four (1890), ch. 6