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12 Apr 2011, 9:10 pm

Do autistic women tend to be hypersensitive to their own body odor and especially their own vaginal odor? If you can't actually tell if you stink, how can you figure it out w/o asking an NT to sniff you (which is considered to be socially inappropriate)?

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12 Apr 2011, 9:24 pm

I guess you could shower every day, and put on deodorant, and hope you are fine.
Also, I ask family members (within a normal distance) if they smell anything.


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12 Apr 2011, 9:27 pm

Difficult to say - with vaginal odour especially, given the many social messages about vagina's being dirty smelly things most women are not so much hypersensitive but hyper-aware of vaginal scent. On the plus side if we autistic women ARE hypersensitive at least we know when there is bacterial or hormonal imbalance and allows us better knowledge of our bodies - I tell when my period is due based on body and vaginal scent.

If you can't actually tell, in part I suppose you have to trust yourself, know what you should smell like when not smelly - docs will tell you if your vagina is healthy, and hell tell you if you stink in general - from there trust then that a healthy vagina will not smell bad, and as long as you wash and groom correctly your body won't smell bad. I tend to ask friends and partners 'Do I look okay?' and so if I want to know if I smell okay I'll ask in a more round about 'Am I okay?' or my boyfriend gets asked 'Am I gross at all?' - they seem to get what I'm asking.


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12 Apr 2011, 9:48 pm

I wear panty liners.

I have an irrational fear of stinking. I am terrified of stinking to the point I wait for my own deodourant to dry before putting on clothes in case it rubs off.

Shower every day, change your clothes, sniff your clothes in private to see if they are ick. Noone has to see you. I'd also reccommend panty liners.


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12 Apr 2011, 10:00 pm

I'm hypersensitive to smell, but I can't smell myself. I keep pretty clean though, so I don't think I should be able to. I notice people wearing too much perfume/cologne than I notice people smelling bad.

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12 Apr 2011, 10:01 pm

hale_bopp wrote:
I'd also reccommend panty liners.

Although commercial liners aren't a good idea, they prevent air flow and contain formaldehyde-releasing preservatives such as imidazolidinyl urea so they cause odour and odour-causing infections like BV. Cotton liners or cloth liners are best, ideally only when 'needed'.


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12 Apr 2011, 10:08 pm

Bloodheart wrote:
hale_bopp wrote:
I'd also reccommend panty liners.

Although commercial liners aren't a good idea, they prevent air flow and contain formaldehyde-releasing preservatives such as imidazolidinyl urea so they cause odour and odour-causing infections like BV. Cotton liners or cloth liners are best, ideally only when 'needed'.

Yeah I want to get some natural liners but they're too expensive here.


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12 Apr 2011, 10:12 pm

I dunno. I think I'm hypersensitive to "that". Er, hyperaware. Whatever.

I wear tampons. Every day.

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12 Apr 2011, 11:26 pm

I have a horrible sense of smell. Apparently I used way too much perfume when I was younger. I couldn't hardly smell the perfume, but my mother told me it was too strong. Very embarrassing.
Smell isn't something you get tested for. I had no idea my sense of smell wasn't normal until one day my mother said in exasperation, can't you smell that. And I couldn't.



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12 Apr 2011, 11:45 pm

i can very vaguely smell myself, but it doesn't bother me. it's just my own smell, and my vag is healthy. once i did have someone else notice, but in a good way.... i was on a date with a girl, and i happened to be ovulating. she later told me that my scent was intoxicating. it was faintly embarrassing :oops:, but something good came out of the situation :D . so i can't complain.

i can smell other women too, sometimes. not standing next to them, but if i go into a bathroom stall right after another woman i can smell vag.


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13 Apr 2011, 1:36 am

sometimes.........actually around my period I can smell it really strongly and it doesn't bother me except that sometimes I worry that others might be able to as well................

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13 Apr 2011, 6:12 am

Oh my gosh, yes. I am hyper-sensitive to smell and that particular one can bother me especially while pregnant (me OR someone else). I use femenine wash every day and that neutralizes things for the day.

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13 Apr 2011, 8:15 pm

I am very sensitive to how I smell. I hate it when I wake up and can smell old perspiration, for instance. My boyfriend says that I don't smell bad, so I must just be sensitive. But one thing concerns me. It is how females are raised to think that their vaginal area automatically stinks. I find that the way I smell is often a reflection of my health. For instance, if I had garlic or other strong spices, I tend to have stronger body odor. When I have been eating lots of green veggies, salad and things, I smell really nice.

Another thing that I have found improves body odor, is not to wear those panty liners! They encourage the vaginal area to sweat, doesn't allow it to breathe, and encourages infections. I use cotton panty liners that I order here:
Also, did you know that you should never use soap in the vaginal area? Or at least only use a feminine wash that is especially designed for that part of the body? Soap destroys the natural acid balance and encourages infections and irritations.

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17 Feb 2015, 11:36 pm

Hello everyone You know i am suffering from vaginal odor . Please help me from this problem. I am in deep trouble. Give me some suggestion. please help me.


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19 Feb 2015, 6:18 pm

Apparently the smell comes from a ph imbalance and the best thing to do is not to wash with body soap, but only use warm water or warm water with a ph balanced wash. The worst thing you can do is douche or use scented body wash on that area because it can cause irritation. If you suffer from sensitivity in the genearl vulva area, itchiness and redness or sistitus it's a good idea to refrain from bubble baths because the soap can cause irritation due to killing off the good bacteria that keeps your vulva happy and healthy.

Possibly a good idea to think about your diet too. Eating healthy whole foods rather than processed foods and drinking plenty of water instead of coffee and fizzy drinks is good for your overall well being. Apparently cranberry juice and yoghurt are good for helping your body regain it's natural balance.

Could also be a yeast infection. If you are worried then I would advise making an appointment with your doctor at least for peace of mind.

In the UK we seem not to have so much marketing targeted at women for vulva cleansing. It's honestly never been something I've been worried about. I just wash every day in the shower and I'm fine. It's not something my friends have ever told me they feel worried about either.


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19 Feb 2015, 9:10 pm

I sometimes notice my own vaginal smell. I don't think anyone else does. I don't think I smell bad, I just have an odor. Like every living thing.