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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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04 Feb 2015, 4:41 am

My psychologist (more like a study counsellor) suggested that i may have aspergers syndrome when i was 9 and handed me a couple of sheets describing the syndrome .i read about it on the internet and concluded that i dont have it as most of the symptoms dont match me except maybe the hypersensitivity.
I have been growing out my hair for the past 6 or more years which was initially difficult but i could take good care of it.
For the past 2 years i have been obsessed with bangs which i finally cut myself as i could not fully explain what i wanted to the hairdresser.
But now it is a pain i hate the way it touches my forehead :( . i tried headbands and clips but they hurt like crazy.
i sometimes try to shake it off my face. i feel like screaming all the time. people say that i should not be stressed for my exams,but i cant think of my exams at all. i really need to concentrate on my exams What can i do.. how long will it take to grow out? i want it to be all long again so that i can just braid it and keep it off my face and skin. also ponytails hurt.


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04 Feb 2015, 2:22 pm

I completely relate. I love bangs, but i just can't stand having my hair like that. It my face. Unfortunately I have fizzy hair and no matter how I wear it some lose strands always escape and tickle my face.

Have you tried a cloth headband? If find them less uncomfortable than ridgid alice bands.


What about twisting your fringe round and fastening it with a kirby grip like this



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08 Feb 2015, 5:54 am

I don't like hair tickling my skin either. That's why I grow my hair long and put it up in a bun. And no bangs. Bangs are very annoying. It shouldn't take too long for you to grow it out.

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08 Feb 2015, 6:27 am

If clips or headbands hurt could you comb it back into a pony tail while your hair's damp and put a good spray of hairspray on to keep it in place? Another good style for growing out bangs is plaiting or tying up the main section of hair but leaving a section at the front loose. You can then braid your bangs into that and tuck the end into the bobble at the back. A quicker way is to twist the hair starting at the front and taking in more hair like braiding around the side of your head and then pulling the end through your bobble to hold it in place.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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09 Feb 2015, 3:17 am

thank you... the replies were very helpful.. I am overlapping, tucking and pinning my fringe to the side now. but still i cant touch my head any more as even the tinier touch messes it up. also i have no hair to push behind my ears anymore which makes me feel wierd and naked. also i look like another person, which shocks me especially when i look into the mirror. hope i get used to it... or my hair grows out before that.... i just dont understand how other people with bangs seem to be so much at ease.


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09 Feb 2015, 4:20 pm

My mum's the same. She can't have bangs (or a fringe as we call it in the UK). When I get fringe cut in it irritates me for about a day then I get used to it.


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09 Feb 2015, 5:22 pm

Last time I had bangs cut in I left it about 3 months before making another salon appointment. It had almost grown out. I told the girl who sat next to me at work that I was going to the hair salon and she told me not to ever get a fringe cut in again because I complained about it so much. I didn't realise I had been making such a fuss about it :lol:

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