Fnord wrote:
"Pin-Up" as in Betty Page? Oh, YES!
"Vintage", as in WWII-era clothing, makeup, and hair? Definately!
Yep, that is exactly what I am talking about. I have tons of clothes from that era, as well as other eras. My older daughter has gotten interested in it lately too and is planning on buying us matching swing dresses in a couple of weeks.
Almost all of my retro stuff is actual vintage and not reproduction but I do have some reproduction stuff as well. I've been into it for several years and luckily at yard sales and thrift stores in my town I can find lots and lots of actual vintage things. I'm fairly easy to fit so I don't have much of a problem finding things although occasionally I need to alter something, but that's normally only to let a hem down a little or something, because I'm tall.
I focus mainly on 40's, 50's and early 60's, but I also sometimes wear Edwardian and early 1900's things which are mostly reproduction, although I do have an actual coat from that era and also a dress. I also have a few 20's things which are reproduction as well except for a few but mainly it's the 40's - early 60's. I do have a good bit of late 60's and early 70's things too, and even a few 80's and 90's but to me the 80's and 90's are just "old and out of style" rather than a vintage look to wear again. I even have some of the actual vintage "foundation" garments from back then - they were my mother's - who never threw anything away - I don't go around buying used bras and slips and girdles and underwear type things lol.
I'm always keeping an eye out for things and at least once a month I go to the junk store and spend an hour or three there going through what they have. They get clothes all the time and they have a huge storage room full of bags of them which they let me go through if I ask, in addition to the stuff they put out on racks. It's cheap as can be too, dresses are $1.50 and if you get ten or more they are just $1 each. Shoes, purses and hats are the same price as well. They have formal dresses and old wedding dresses too, which are either $3 or $5, and they have coats and jackets. Most of the stuff there is really just out of style or worn out, typical junk store stuff, but they do have a good bit of nice stuff if you are willing to look for it. I found my thigh length leopard coat there, and it was in perfect condition and I paid $5 for it. There was a matching leopard pillbox hat as well for $1. It can go either retro or modern. My girls and I went there this afternoon and came home with a bunch of stuff.
The hair and makeup is really easy to do too. I have long hair but it's real thin and fine, so I just tease it and put it up mainly. Sometimes for a late 60's and early 70's look I'll straighten it and part it in the middle or even put on a headband and tease the crown of it up, but usually I have an updo. Victory rolls are the easiest ones of all to do and I wear them a lot with the pinup stuff. Sometimes I put the back up too, or I'll put it in a snood or curl it and leave it down but I usually find some way to put it up. I also like the beehives, and I can do that one lots of different ways. The makeup is a lot easier than you'd think because for the pinup look it's just regular foundation, blush and powder and for the eyes the only tricky part are the eyebrows and eyeliner. The eyebrows need to be well defined so I outline them with pencil and fill them in with a dark brown powder. For ordinary makeup I just use the powder and an eyebrow brush to soften it, but with the pinup look I leave it very defined. The eyeshadow is just nude colors used to brighten, contour and define the eye, with cat eyeliner in black. The 40's liner is fairly thin and the 50's is thicker, with 60's liner being the thickest and heaviest for the mod look, and for that one I even put on false lashes. And of course, I have to have red lipstick for almost all of those except the late 60's and early 70's which call for a very light pink or beige.
I'd post some pictures of me in the different outfits, since I dress up almost every day unless I just don't feel all that well or I'm going to be lazy, but I don't have that Flickr account password anymore and I'm not going to create another one, and I can't post a picture without it. If I could post one directly from the computer, I'd put some up. I'll put some on my FB if you want to friend me there and you can see what I'm talking about. I know I for sure want to be able to post a pic of me and my daughter in our mother/daughter 50's dresses, but I just don't want to deal with Flickr or anything like that. I'd like to have some professional type pics made like that but I doubt I ever will.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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