krex wrote:
Beentheredonethat......I dont mind the intrussion,I am interested in chemistry.I have noticed a smell behind my boyfriends ears...I dont like it when it is really strong.I have to remind him to wash there.But I love the smell under his arms,that is very sexual to me.Wonder how one smell can be so attractive and one so....not?
Zannemarie.....Thanks for the info.I just found out about the tumor before I changed jobs,so I have no insurance for awhile and have to wait another month to see a gyno about it.I read about Pregnoson shrinking or halting the growth of tumor by balancing out the estrogen level,so it was my idea to try it but my DR agreed.Thought it might also lesson the amount of blood loss,as my periods were getting really heavy(superdupertampon every 2 hours for 4 days,then light for another week,and usually starting light for several days before the worse days...over all lasting two weeks and still some break through bleeding inbetween,,,,,I go through a lot of tampons.)
I was also hoping the Pregnoson would help my sex drive,which use to be pretty "healthy".It hasnt helped and I think is getting worse.So hard to separate biology from psychology.....I m not sure which is effecting me at present.
Estrogen drives your sex drive. Progestrin dampens it.
Hopefully it will make you bleed less, it had the opposite effect on me, but then I had almost no Estrogen to begin with so they basically threw me completely out of balance by giving me a Depo shot. So instead of shrinking it, they went crazy. I don't think that was typical based on what I've seen. Anyway, I'm telling you what my gyno told me when he told me I had them.