xxZeromancerlovexx wrote:
My mom told me that all I care about is weight. I've lost 15 pounds and already feel like I'm going to get fat as all hell and there was no point in wasting nearly all of my money on clothes this week. My mom is very gifted in the looks department and here I am having to work insanely hard to look a certain way.
My doctor says that I'm going to want a boyfriend who doesn't care how much I weigh. I call bull s**t on that because the first thing I notice in men is how the look. The maximum weight I'll take for a guy is 190.
Maybe I'm just an aesthetic oriented person who could give to craps less about beauty coming from the inside
Well, I do care what people are like on the inside, if appearances are all someone cares about, they aren't going to be very complex or interesting intellectually.
However, I also understand having aesthetic standards. I work very hard to look my best and I think its quite fair and reasonable to expect the same from a partner. Why would I want to start an intimate relationship with someone who doesn't care if they repulse others with their slovenliness or obesity? There's nothing sexually attractive to me about rolls of fat or body odor and if it's too much effort for someone to maintain a healthy weight or bathe regularly, then they're not for me.
"I don't mean to sound bitter, cynical or cruel - but I am, so that's how it comes out." - Bill Hicks