I have given birth naturally twice.
I would recommend that if you are having a non-complicated pregnancy to look into getting a midwife. I had a midwife for both of my kids, although she was only in the birthing room for my second because I almost had my first at home on the floor . I find midwives to be more intune to what mom needs and they tend to be less interventionist (less touching, prodding, examining, etc.)
The preparatory work that I did that was most helpful was meditation, practicing positive affirmations, and creating my own focal point. I made a collage that had peaceful images on it along with my positive affirmations. The purpose was to have something to focus on while I was in labor. I also listened to the same music when I did my meditation and my daily affirmations. My labor was much more intense with my daughter, and I found the positive affirmations especially helpful because they easily came to my mind. They were things like "My body is strong. I am able" and "Pain is a natural part of this natural process" and "Each contraction brings my baby closer to me." It may sound kooky, but I really found it to be helpful. Another thing I also found helpful was to vocalize during labor. The sound that helped me the most was a very low "oh" sound that resonated in my chest. There was also a humming sound that helped, and that resonated more in my head. Positioning is also important, so you want to make sure if you have an OB, he or she is not one who is going to expect you to lay on your back the whole time. I felt much better on my hands and knees, rocking back and forth, or standing and leaning over the bed.
It may also be helpful to you to draft a birth plan. It is important to realize that things rarely go as planned, but making certain wishes known ahead of time is helpful. It also helps to make sure that whoever is in the room with you (S.O., doctor, midwife, etc), knows what you want and you can work out any disagreements before you find yourself in labor. For example, with my daughter, no one was to ask me if I wanted pain medication.
It really isn't that bad. I mean, I won't lie. It hurts. But it hurt more when I fractured my tailbone and it hurt more when I got a chemical burn. It also hurt more when I had a really bad corneal infection in my eye. Plus, at the end, having your baby in your arms makes all the pain go away.
I would much rather give birth than be pregnant, and you have already gotten more than half way through that! Just remember that millions of women have done this before you and millions will do it afterward. Your body was made to do this. Giving birth (unless there are complications) is a natural part of life, not a medical condition. Trust your body and yourself.
Good luck to you! Giving birth for the first time was probably one of my favorite experiences ever.
Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage