I checked "no eating disorder" because my issues with eating are not on the list.
I don't think I ever really learned how to properly recognize & respond to the hungry/full mechanism (or perhaps my body's mechanism doesn't work properly.)
When I was a kid, and sometimes even now, I would get so hungry I would feel sick. Sometimes it would be 1/2 hour before dinner time and I'd complain to my mom that I was so hungry I was going to be sick if I didn't eat RIGHT AWAY. She would always make me wait (dinner wasn't ready), but often she would give me a carrot to eat, and that would be enough in my stomach to keep me from getting sick without spoiling my appetite.
When I was a kid, I could only have one type of food on my plate at a time. Then I "graduated" to being able to have different foods sharing the plate, but I would only eat one at a time (ie. I'd eat all the turkey, then all the potatoes, then all the peas, etc.) It took me into adulthood before I could eat a little of this and a little of that and go back and forth between tastes and textures. I think this screwed with my ability to know when I was full because I was probably full before I had tasted everything on my plate, but knowing I had to eat some of everything made me keep eating.
I also have always eaten way too fast. I also have always had way too much liquid when eating. I would drink probably a quart of liquid at a meal, at least. I have since learned not to do this. Too much liquid probably also messed with my ability to know when I was full.
I also stress-eat, which is pretty common even with NTs.
Another thing is feeling like I have to eat to meet some kind of expectation. This is hard to explain, but I have felt pressure to eat (real & imagined) and I would eat to please someone instead of knowing how to politely refrain. Or, I would eat more than I should because I thought I had to. Thankfully, this has gotten better but I still have to watch myself at social gatherings.
When I was younger and at a social gathering, all I would do is eat. Looking back, I know it was very much due to social anxiety. I knew how to eat whereas I didn't know how to socialize.
None of these things really fall under an official "eating disorder", but it surely is disordered eating.