How long a visit is this supposed to be? if it's just for the day, wear the mastectomy bra, while they are there. If it is a longer visit,--several days, then wear the bra at the beginning of the visit on the first day, and if you all go out anywhere. However, let them know on the evening of the first day, that you had an operation several months ago, and your chest still hurts, so around the house you go bra-less most of the time.
I understand how you feel. I have never been able to find a comfortable bra. I live alone now, so around the house I go bra-less, and only wear them when going out, or expecting company. I had a complete hysterectomy almost ten years ago due to cancer, so I am at increased risk for other types of cancer. I decided a while back that if I ever need a double mastectomy, I won't have new boobs put in, I will just get some type of mastectomy bra to wear when I must go out.
Why?! Oh, why, can't someone design a comfortable, supporting, and wireless bra that won't ride up?!

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau