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25 May 2013, 1:03 am

i ask this question, because for some reason the men who show interest in me are either WAY older or WAY younger than I am. I'm 53 and I have had men in their 60s and 70s hitting on me. And on the other end, I've had guys in their late teens and early 20s being all flirty as well. Granted, I'm not great at picking up on such signals, but some of these are pretty obvious. One of these guys has been acting this way towards me for 3 years, starting when he was 15! His 18th birthday was in April, and the day before he asked me in a husky smoky voice, "So...what are you going to give me for my birthday?" Now, this kid is handsome as hell, and is going to be drop-dead gorgeous in about 10 years, so of course I was thinking to myself "I know what I'd LIKE to give you." But as pretty as he is, I wouldn't touch him. I'm only a few years younger than his GRANDMOTHER! I'm just not the cougar type, as much as I wish I was -- guys in their early 30s are SO lovely.

And as for the old man thing, this isn't something that's just happened. Old guys have ALWAYS been interested in me. When I was 19, the 66 year old husband of my boss at the time offered me $300 to go to bed with him.

Any of you other ladies experience anything like this?

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25 May 2013, 1:21 am

I do not believe for a second 15 year olds are hitting on you. You sound delusional and kind of creepy. If a 66 year old man is hitting on you , you should grab a hold and never let go.


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25 May 2013, 11:17 am

Yes I experience it. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. Am I sending the wrong signals? Am I dressing the wrong way? I've never had anyone show interest in me that wasn't significantly older than I am. It's always older men.


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26 May 2013, 12:22 pm

I have attracted boys of my age, but also older men. I am only 23 and I have a man in his mid-60s fancying me. I truly don't fancy him back, and I don't encourage him at all but he doesn't stop (and they say it's only Aspies that don't know when to back away from someone that doesn't fancy them?)

I do prefer older men. I have older men have lower standards for females. I found that young men in their teens and 20s prefer to look out for girls that make a lot of effort with their appearance and have some common young-female characteristics like talking quite quick and saying ''like'' a lot of times when they're speaking, etc. I don't talk like that, nor do I make a huge effort with my appearance, although I do like to look nice and trendy and I have long hair. But I don't do all these extra things like having long nails (I bite all mine), and having my hair in perfect condition and all that sort of stuff.

Usually when I see a young man with a girlfriend, the girl is always really beautiful (fake tan, straightened or curled hair, lots of make-up applied perfectly), and it's what young men seem to like. Maybe their hormones don't settle down until they reach their 30s, I don't know. But older men seem to have a different wavelength, and I like that best. So I go for older men too.


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26 May 2013, 5:11 pm

None. Not one has expressed interest in me. I don't know what I am doing wrong.


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26 May 2013, 6:23 pm

There are probably quite a few men out there who have learned not to show their interest.

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26 May 2013, 11:08 pm

One major point I neglected to mention in my original post was that I can't seem to attract men near my own age. Just these older and younger guys.

Murbank -- I'm not in any way trying to brag that I'm hot enough to attract teenagers. I find the whole business rather ridiculous, not to mention futile on his part. He is admittedly an extreme case, although his uncle confirmed that the kid is into older women. The kid -- man now, I guess, since he's 18 now -- is currently dating a woman about 10 years his senior. However, I have actually been asked out -- not just flirted with -- by guys in their late 20s and 30s. Also ridiculous considering the age difference, except I'm told at least once a week that I don't look anywhere near my age -- the general consensus is that I'm in my late 30s. I worked in a convenience store until just recently, so I saw lots of men on a daily basis. And as in my original post, the men who showed the most interest were the younger as mentioned above, or men in their 60s and 70s.

As for the 66 year old man, I think not. Closer to my age now, but not when I was 19. And he was no prize either -- grotesquely overweight, blind in one eye, old man smell and married. Even at my current age of 53, 66 still sounds too old. If I couldn't have gone to school with them - a range of about 5 years in either direction -- I have a hard time imagining being in a relationship with them.


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29 May 2013, 8:23 am

I tend to get ones with missing teeth :? who live waay out in the boonies.

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29 May 2013, 3:38 pm

murbark wrote:
I do not believe for a second 15 year olds are hitting on you. You sound delusional and kind of creepy. If a 66 year old man is hitting on you , you should grab a hold and never let go.

Yet another doofus who bases his masculinity, such as it is, on denigrating and tearing down women.

Webalina wrote:
Any of you other ladies experience anything like this?

Yes. The youngest was 17. Another was 18. Younger than my kids.

I don't know what these boys are thinking, but my friends and I had the idea that they're getting it from "cougar porn", and they think it's realistic.


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29 May 2013, 5:30 pm

Guys my age, sometimes a little younger cause they dont know how old I really am sometimes. I look young. And then you get the older perverts which I disregard. I am not interested in an older man, I want someone with similar maturity to me.


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29 May 2013, 6:38 pm

Dysfunctional ones with aspie traits or an understanding, tolerant nature lol

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29 May 2013, 7:29 pm

Men rarely show an interest in me.

When they do: aspies, bisexual guys, old punks, guys with mental health problems, overweight men- I think that covers it. I'm lucky because those are the kind of guys I go for :lol: . Seriously, birds of a feather and everything - I have something in common with blokes in all of those categories.

I don't care about age now that I'm in my late 20s, but when I was a teen I got a lot more men interested in me and they were all much, much older.

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29 May 2013, 9:58 pm

Ai_Ling wrote:
I am not interested in an older man, I want someone with similar maturity to me.

I suggest you reconsider the older men if you're looking for maturity. 24 year old men don't have NEARLY the maturity of a 24 year old woman.


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29 May 2013, 11:44 pm

Obese men and men just looking for sex. Often they are both. I haven't noticed any other patterns so far.

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30 May 2013, 4:30 pm

I somehow attract the attention of men in their 40s or even older, and this usually takes place in my mom's bar where she works. I have no interest in these men, as I know that some of them are married or even drunk, and I don't see myself with a man that age.

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30 May 2013, 6:28 pm

... all the wrong ones.

I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. The more I hit the gas, the less it seems to be real.