if you weren't diagnosed AS/ASD until later on

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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11 Oct 2015, 10:40 am

did puberty have an effect on your traits?
Puberty is when the sexes brains start to more significantly differ, so I was wondering. I'm a transguy on testosterone for a few months and I've gradually become exactly who I was before puberty #1. I can look back and recognize everything about childhood me that probably should have been recognized as pointing towards the spectrum (especially with my mom having a degree in child development, jesus christ)... and then around when my adult hormones would've been starting to trickle in, they seemed to fade some, and i started to figure out how to fake normal. It worked rather well too, but now it's all gone. So my question is did it get easier to appear like everybody else as you got older?

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11 Oct 2015, 10:55 am

I was finally diagnosed toward the end of high school, but throughout my life my mother had suspected their was something off about me since I technically was an NT then. I don't really remember much of my younger years, but according to her I had difficulties as a child, those leveled out, and then when I hit puberty things seemed to come back.

Considering that I was already a stand out individual before I was diagnosed I would say that it did not become easier to blend in. Although if I did, for whatever reason, hide some of the more notable things about me I do suppose that I could "blend in" to a normal sense and not to my usual chameleon sense. (The irony in my normal chameleon sense of blending in is that I am a giant, carry around an umbrella all the time, and on some days wear rather noticeable red,white, and blue shoes. I love the irony of it all :o )

Stay classy WrongPlanet

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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20 Oct 2015, 4:51 am

The question isn't clear to me -- do you mean physically appear normal or mentally appear normal? Or behaviorally act normal?

I've always physically appeared younger. Last year I was told I look like I'm still in high school, even though I am in my 30's. I never developed a woman's figure, but did get my first period when I was 11.

I don't know how to classify my mental status. I am college educated, but not at all good at socializing face to face. I have a good work ethic, creative problem solving skills, and like helping people, but 'shooting the breeze' type of conversations are not really sustainable for very long. My verbal skills decline the longer I talk to someone.

Behavior isn't something I can judge. No assessments have been reported to me directly. I'm sure plenty has been talked about behind me, but not to me. My neighbors think I'm weird, but they are uneducated hicks who don't understand how gravity works -- so, their opinions don't count for anything. I would need to hang around and observe people my age (with the same amount of education) to be able to compare and contrast myself to them. I have not had any friends or family around for roughly 7-8 years, which has hindered my social growth.