Beau wrote:
Hey Noura4eva.
I just learned about this in class, so the following is a list of suggestions to help relieve the symptoms without the use of hormone therapy:
Hot Flashes
Wear layered cotton clothing. Avoid or limit the following foods: spicy foods, coffee, alcohol, hot beverages. Sip cool drinks. Use ice packs or cool compress. Avoid/reduce stress. Try relaxation and deep breathing techniques several times a day. Eliminate hot baths or showers before bedtime. Exercise, such as brisk walking or yoga, can help.
Over the Counter Herbal Supplements
1) Black Cohosh: most commonly used for perimenopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, headaches, sleep problems, night sweats, heart palpitations, etc. Duration of therapy: max of 24 weeks (6 months). Don't use if you have an allergy to aspirin.
2) Flaxseed Oil: may help with the symptoms.
3) Soy: may help with symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, burning and irritation. Can consume foods such as soy milk, tofu, green soybeans.
4) Evening Primrose Oil: may reduce symptoms like mood swings, irritability, breast tenderness.
Hope that helps!
Interesting, those are all phytoestrogens. I assume Tea Tree Oil (external!) would be in the same set, as would eating Yams/Sweet Potatoes. Estrogen co-regulates serotonin, so when ovaries go wonky, so can your sleep, digestion, mood, immune, autoimmune, thirst, hunger, etc.. Serotonin (dis-)regulation also greatly affects sensory issues if you have them. Really though, if symptoms get bad enough, get a referral to an endocrinologist. They can help regulate your blood levels so the swings are dampened.
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―Carl Sagan