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How do you identify as an aspie woman? No men please!
Mostly female 18%  18%  [ 11 ]
Mostly male 13%  13%  [ 8 ]
Slightly more female than male 15%  15%  [ 9 ]
Slightly more male than female 23%  23%  [ 14 ]
Even split 18%  18%  [ 11 ]
Trans (F2M) 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Unsure 13%  13%  [ 8 ]
Total votes : 62


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14 Feb 2016, 10:20 am

Would love to see what the general consensus is as I've always felt separated from NT women as a result of feeling more male in terms of my interests and how I think.

Thank you!


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14 Feb 2016, 11:33 am

There is no poll option for "Fully Male", "Fully Female", "Trans (M2F)", or "Other (Please Explain)".


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14 Feb 2016, 12:11 pm

There's no Trans (M2F) because genetically speaking ASD males are more common and so I wanted to limit it to biological females only. As for Fully Female/Male, I don't believe that gender absolutes really exist seeing as it's all pretty subjective. Also, I didn't want it to be too specific because otherwise the results would be far too spread out. If I could guarantee 1,000+ responses then I would happily provide narrower options. As for Other I feel it's basically the same as Unsure as I don't really know what else there is but I'm all for being educated if there's something obvious I'm missing (I'm aware of Intersex but felt it didn't quite fit as all I'm wanting to see is if there's a correlation in aspie women with extreme male brain theory).

For further guidance however:
Mostly female/male means anywhere from about 75-100%
Slightly more female/male than male/female means anywhere between 51 and 75%
Even split means 50/50

Hope this answers everything!

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19 Mar 2016, 8:02 am

I voted female, as physically I'm female and I'm happy being so. However the way I think and my interests tend to fall into the 'tomboy/nerd' category - computers, extreme sports, gaming, science, gadgets, etc. I find most women overly emotional, needy and confusing and I really don't care about makeup, dresses and who did their hair extensions!

I've only met one other girl with aspergers - my cousin, so perhaps I would get on much better with aspie girls. But I haven't found any female groups near me and the last autism networking group I went to was all guys.

I sometimes wish I could switch over to a temporary male body at the weekend just so I could hang out with guys, but I like being a woman and definitely wouldn't want to actually be male. I wish there were four genders and I could hang out with the other male-brained women! Haha

I'm actually considering just starting a meetup for aspie women in the south east. Gaming and gadgets or something!!


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19 Mar 2016, 12:57 pm

Esme: Given what you described I wouldn't really classify you as "mostly female." All the options except "Trans (F2M)" assume that you are happy being physically female and therefore apply only to your mentality. I chose "slightly more male than female" because my interests are always more typically associated with males than they are females as I love cars, motorcycles, gadgets, sports, etc. I also find other women overly emotional as well and I almost never wear makeup.

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20 Mar 2016, 1:16 pm

I had trouble answering that. I am not an even split but I put more female than male. But I wish there was a percentage of what we feel to enter in. I probably would have said 70% female, 30% male... but I don't feel like that all the time. I guess I am more gender fluid.


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20 Mar 2016, 1:39 pm

So far I admit to being quite surprised by the results as I wasn't expecting so many "mostly female" and "slightly more female" responses. Apart from my lack of theory of mind, my assumption was influenced by this article (which, granted, isn't exactly peer reviewed): ... more-male/


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21 Mar 2016, 5:51 am

I've taken to being more female-ish in recent years, but as a kid/teen/early 20's I alternated between 'both' and 'not giving a damn'. I still feel strongly about being 'in the middle', but I think I've developed a more feminine persona as I learned to express more of my feelings - yes, it's a cliché.

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21 Mar 2016, 6:31 am

Slightly more male than female. No thoughts towards transsexuality, though, I am content enough as the queer fish I am.

(I would hate to actually be a man, most men are so clumsy and simple. And hairy.)


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21 Mar 2016, 7:51 am

LarryDoe wrote:
(I would hate to actually be a man, most men are so clumsy and simple. And hairy.)



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21 Mar 2016, 12:16 pm

I said 'even split'. I think my perfect scenario would be to have a 'boyish' body type, dress like a tomboy, and to not be seen as a sexual object, by anyone. But I'm okay with being technically female, since I have no desire to be male either.

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26 Mar 2016, 10:10 am

I almost voted even split but went for slightly more female. I always felt quite like a boy when I was a kid and always got on better with males, but since becoming an adult I feel more feminine, I'm quite curvy so that probably has a lot to do with it. But often I relate more to men, when females are going on about men and their behaviour and how they don't understand men, I don't get it, because I seem to 'get' men a lot more than I do women.

I go through phases of being attracted to women and when I was a teenager I experimented with women, but found it totally unsatisfying because I was seeing them from a male perspective and didn't have the equipment to enjoy them the way I wanted :lol:

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26 Mar 2016, 12:38 pm

I identify strongly as female.

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28 Mar 2016, 4:51 pm

I've always identified with boys more. I really hate it when people assume I'm social or emotional just because I'm female. A lot of the time I pretend to be a guy on the internet but I have a very feminine looking figure in real life so I can't get away with that there.

I wouldn't say I'm transgender, but it does make me VERY uncomfortable when people treat me in a specifically female way or assume I'm very feminine. I just don't really understand it. Gender is not an important part of my identity at all, but people treat my female-ness like it's very important to the extent that it weirds me out a lot. A lot of people seem to see gender as one of if not THE most important characteristics of a person. I just don't.

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29 Mar 2016, 11:29 pm

gracieparky wrote:
I don't believe that gender absolutes really exist seeing as it's all pretty subjective. Also, I didn't want it to be too specific because otherwise the results would be far too spread out.

I can't answer your poll because what I am isn't listed. But I guess I don't exist anyway, so it wouldn't matter. :P


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29 Mar 2016, 11:51 pm

TentofMot: While men on the spectrum do have a distinct lack of feminine traits they still possess some capacity to care, nurture and love (particularly at the high functioning end). Unless you're a sociopath in which case, wrong forum.