I'm the same, my time of the month has always been intense and kinda debilitating. It's not so much the cramps that bother me but the mood swings. When I was at school I'd sometimes miss the days they were affecting me and now I usually cancel plans to stay home when they do, or at the most I can handle doing something little. Usually it's only 2 - 3 days I get the hormones, but they're seriously horrible, I just feel intensely angry, sad and anxious and my thoughts go all irrational. I've spoken to doctors about it and been diagnosed with PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder).
I know someone else on the spectrum who has terrible times of the month like me and I suspect being on the spectrum could make us more sensitive to our hormones. If they're really troubling you definitely talk to a doctor, they can sometimes prescribe stuff that helps symptoms.
“There are two means of refuge from the misery of life: music and cats.” ― Albert Schweitzer