Kamoku wrote:
aspieinaz wrote:
I think counting calories is a very useful skill amid the obesity epidemic that is going on. It can lead you to healthy eating habits and hopefully you will be able to influence or at least inform others of healthy eating habits. I seriously think that many people have no clue how many calories they consume each day and how much their body needs. So knowing the caloric content of food items is extremely helpful. Do you have an interest in becoming a nutritionist?
Sometimes it is useful if you use it correctly. Three years ago I was anorexic, counting only 200 calories per day and made it at a dangerously low weight. I would write on a piece of paper, this is what time I'll eat, this is what I'll eat and this is how many calories it is. It was fun but scary at the same time.
I don't agree that counting calories is a good habit. It's perfectly possible to eat a correct amount of calories and still be terribly unhealthy.
Call me old fashioned, I just don't think obsessing about things having to do with your own body is healthy for anyone. Better obsess about something outside yourself, like Star Trek or horses or whatnot. I don't mean to be all judgmental about this; I understand that it's difficult. However, the sheer number of people of people with eating disorders in the world today means that you'll always find someone who will support some very unhealthy thinking.
I once read an interesting blog post by a nutritionist who was a vegan and who went back to eating meat. She pointed out that the vegetarian community was full of people with eating disorders, which I've long suspected. The comments section was a circus.
Learn to be kind to yourself, and to give your brain food that makes you happy, and then I mean healthy happy, not McDonalds happy. I've heard people say nice things about Kristin Neff and her talks on self-compassion. I've often found anorexic people to be too hard on themselves.
Somebody on WP described themselves as an "army of one", which I completely relate to. Are you an army of one too?
I sometimes leave conversations and return after a long time. I am sorry about it, but I need a lot of time to think about it when I am not sure how I feel.