What kind of things you like about Barbie?

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30 Dec 2010, 3:12 pm

i like some of the clothes she wore back then


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30 Dec 2010, 3:25 pm

I used to like playing with Barbies when I was young, and the reason I stopped was not because I grew older, but because I couldn't find anyone my own age who wanted to play. I bought my last one at the age of 18. (Well, she was actually a different brand, but the same size.)

My Barbies weren't city slicker fashionistas; they played the roles of refugees, circus people and Swiss people who got snowed in. And they were always getting pregnant and having babies.

What I like about Barbie, Bratz, MyScene, Disney Princesses etc. nowadays is the whole ditzy image. I do an intellectual academic/businesslike job, and in my private time I sometimes like carrying a silly-looking pink bag with Bratz pictures on it, or wearing a kitsch Tinkerbell t-shirt, because of the irony of the situation. I enjoy talking about philosophy and programming and linguistics and all this nerdy stuff whilst looking like someone who should not be capable of doing that.

What I would NOT do is to actually dress like Barbie herself. :lol:

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30 Dec 2010, 4:23 pm

I liike that Barbie goes from ditzy blonde to bad ass punk in 2 minutes if you have scissors and coloring.


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30 Dec 2010, 4:38 pm

That she is fully and readily meltable. Polyvinyl's, when melted, must be in a well-ventilated area as dioxins are especially nasty. Apart from that, one can go from a Barbie to a pool of melted pool of plastic with just a match - Viola.


^Playboy bunny emoticon = representation of Barbie
Bunnies become rabbit Fricassee with heat :: melt-a-Barbie

Never played with Barbies. I did disassemble mechanical stuff though.

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30 Dec 2010, 6:51 pm

LabPet, your avatar gives me nightmares. Mostly because I recognize the image, unfortunately. One of those times I wish my brain came with an eraser!

My grandmother gave me a Barbie once; I don't think I played with her much. I mostly played with female action figures -- all I could really do with Barbie was dress her, undress her, and redress her. My action figures were much more fun; my "sister" and I used to build elaborate scenery in her room or the backyard and our action figures would have the best adventures!


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30 Dec 2010, 7:01 pm

Rose_in_Winter wrote:
LabPet, your avatar gives me nightmares. Mostly because I recognize the image, unfortunately. One of those times I wish my brain came with an eraser!

Sorry; it's not intentional, I promise :) Actually, I thought my avatar, which I've had for a very long time, was entirely unique. What is it from, if you don't mind me asking?

Anyhow, about Barbie: Although I was/am a very feminine girl, I never played much with dollies. I liked do-it-yourself toys best, such as drawing, making things, games, reading, puzzles, and exploring.

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31 Dec 2010, 7:48 am

I like the Punk Barbie and Molten Barbie ideas! Mattel should add them to the range.

I once transformed a cheaper doll of the same size by painting her white (her face too) and then painting on black lingerie, including suspender hose. Sort of like a Goth mime or something. I was probably around 14 when I did that, or maybe 12.

When I must wait in a queue, I dance. Classified as an aspie with ADHD on 31 March 2009 at the age of 43.


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30 Nov 2015, 12:45 pm

I hate Barbie.

Bratz forever!


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30 Nov 2015, 12:59 pm

I don't think you would want to know what me and my sisters did to Barbie dolls. The kindest thing was drawing tattoos all over a couple of them. It kind of goes downhill from there. And it's a steep, steep hill.


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30 Nov 2015, 3:13 pm

I used to pop their heads off and interchange them. I also had a carrying case they stacked quite nicely in. :D

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02 Dec 2015, 5:13 am

I love dressing them up! I have tons of barbies and tons of clothes and I would spend hours choosing new outfits for each one. Fashion is a part of my special interest, so it was the perfect toy for me as a kid.


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03 Dec 2015, 12:36 am

I loved her hair. When I was young I had a Barbie with really long hair that went to her ankles, so I was always braiding it and practicing my cotton hair wraps on her.


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03 Dec 2015, 6:45 pm

whenever you make her legs move like she's actually walking somewhere her torso bends forward until she's literally staring at the floor with her entire upper body.

I used to take off Barbie heads so I could steal their necklaces and give them to my stuffed animals to wear as bracelets.


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03 Dec 2015, 6:53 pm

I loved her clothes in the early 1960s.

My daughter had many Barbies. She removed their clothing when she was done playing. A friend said the box of Barbies with no clothes looked like the Holocaust.


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25 Dec 2015, 3:33 am

I never played with her. I never cared about her looks. Sure her hair was nice, but I think the thing to be admired here...Is that she was able to become everything. From a fast food worker to an astronaut. Her bland personality that would let little girls plant their own personalities within of her was nice too. She was just a place holder for the imagination that tries to escape to the real world.


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25 Dec 2015, 4:14 am

I liked setting up the Barbies before playing with them, organizing them, etc. I think I only played with them because my sister wanted to. I mostly just liked to set things up, change their hair, clothes, arrange things. But when we played I liked to act out scenes where the good guy (girl) always won against the bad guys (girls).