poopylungstuffing wrote:
I have a sorta "immature" sounding voice for a 33 year old...I have thought that mybe it was kinda related to my being on the spectrum...
My voice actually gets complimented alot. i am glad I don't talk like other people...alot of voices get on my nerves. I speak in a voice that I can tolerate hearing...
Telemarketers ask to speak to my mom all the time...I think it is funny...
I checked you out on "You Tube". I like the sound of your voice.
As for me, I don´t like my voice. Whenever I hear my voice on a tape recorder or an answering machine, I can barely stand to hear it...I can´t believe it´s my voice! (Sort of low and deep, actually...although I do sing soprano somehow...) my voice sounds so different when I´m hearing it from the inside. Why is that???
"death is the road to awe"