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13 May 2016, 12:22 am

My favourite pads are Organyc Long (or overnight as I mostly used pads at night). Most pads make me itchy, but these ones aren't nearly as bad. I also like Natracare longs. My least favourite is Always Wingless Regular because they make me itchy and they leak like crazy for me.

My favourite brand of Tampons is Tampax Cardboard Regular because I don't like the plastic applicators. My least favourite is OB (any size, but probably Ultra, which I have never used because my periods are WAY too light for them). I find they leak and I have trouble inserting them for some reason. I tried Natracare and Organyc tampons but they are very leaky.

What about you?

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13 May 2016, 4:41 pm

I've stopped using disposables and started using cloth pads. Been trying a few different kinds from etsy and my favorites so far are from yurtcraft and Grayson Street Emporium.

Emu Egg
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24 May 2016, 2:12 am

I have stopped using it due to some rashes near legs. Thinking to try something new or changing brands of those products.


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12 Jun 2016, 12:16 pm

I usually just buy disposable store brand pads because they cost less. I've never really used tampons.

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16 Jun 2016, 9:33 am

I used to use Stayfree until they "redesigned" them and made them like an inch shorter, so I switched to Libra.

For panty liners in between periods I usually use Stayfree but I've been buying Tena's lately. They're just a bit bigger and more secure.


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16 Jun 2016, 10:05 am

Actually OBs were my most favorite! They worked fine for me, no leaks, and I never had insertion problems with the plain old non-applicator type. I wouldn't know what to do with an applicator! In the UK, non-applicator Lil-Lets. My sister used them so when the time came I did too.

I never liked pads, ever since my first experience of having to wear one to school -- it was the 70s and they were the size and thickness of babies diapers. I felt so self conscious in my school uniform dress. Even though they got thinner over the years with better technology, I was always a tampon person.

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18 Jun 2016, 11:56 am

I hate pads - I find all of them itchy and disgusting-feeling and have to fight the urge to pull at them. I can only do pantyliners - store brand is fine, they just have to be really thin and long - preferably the ones designed for nighttime. I tend to just wear those during the second half of my period when things lighten up and make sure to change them often.

For tampons I use OBs - the green box, no applicators. I have endometriosis so my periods are pretty heavy at first (I'm having surgery in a couple months - fingers crossed it helps!) and they strike a good balance between protection and comfort (the yellow ones are waayyy too thick - ouch!). I find applicators awkward to use - like I can't tell if it's... in the right place, you know? And Tampax don't work for me. I'll use them in a pinch at work because it's what they keep on hand, but have to change them, like, every hour.


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18 Jun 2016, 12:43 pm

Also very heavy flow more often than not. Actually I wear adult pullup combined with tampon day 2-3.
When a tampon I use playtex because the shape doesnt allow easy escape.

Not my favorite aspect of being female *sigh*

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18 Jun 2016, 10:18 pm

I hate the feeling of disposables rubbing against my skin.

I hate the feeling of tampons almost as much.

I favor reusable flannel/PUL pads, no particular brand. They're expensive enough that I'm tempted to buy a few yards of PUL and start sewing my own.

I've also grown fond of sewing a few layers of terry cloth from worn-out towels into a pair of old, snug-fitting undies. No rub. Nice.

Everyone carps about my soak bucket, though.

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13 Nov 2016, 9:03 pm

Tampax Pearl.

I don't have a favorite pad, but I do wear them with my tampon. I get name brand (Ex: Always). I don't like pats because they don't feel good at all. The friction, the added heat, etc. make pads unpleasant at best. Some of them even make noise.

One of my female friends who is on the spectrum told me she tried the cup and never looked back. For her, that thing is somehow comfortable. I can't imagine how. Tampons are tough enough for me to deal with. I appreciate the green-ness of the cup method, and the frugality, but I would not want to have to stick that thing inside me, and I wouldn't want to remove that thing either. Just the sensory issues alone during that time of the month...


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14 Nov 2016, 11:44 pm

Always Infinity (with wings). I've tried other brands but either the adhesive fails and the pad moves out of place, or it bunches up, or it doesn't last long enough.

I really hate tampons. I've never gotten past the "you want me to put that WHERE?" phase.

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17 Nov 2016, 10:07 pm

I've always been petrified of getting tss, so when I get my period, I use pads. I say when because I'm on the pill and only get a period if I miss a dose.

For the first few days I use U by Kotex Over Night at all times. From day 3-6 I use Kotex barely there panty liners. They are so thin and comfortable, I can't even tell I'm wearing one. Plus, they come in such cute packaging. Each pad has a pretty pattern and different color. :)

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18 Nov 2016, 8:12 pm

I use tampons only for swimming. I don't usually have brand preferences for tampons or pads (aside from needing applicators for tampons, which rules out o.b.) but noticed that my latest box of store brand pads is asymmetrical side-to-side, making one 'wing' on each too small to wrap properly around underwear.


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21 Nov 2016, 11:48 am

I never wear tampons. The idea of shoving something 'up there' makes me sick, and I'd probably get pretty paranoid about the risk of infections and TSS. Putting on and stripping off a pad just seems easier for me.
As for brands of pads, I'm not that fussed. As long as it fits my pants, isn't perfumed, and has symmetrical wings, it'd suit me. I generally go for Always and Bodyform pads as they're very absorbent, but sometimes the latter can make me feel like I'm wearing a nappy.
In the later stages, I just wear cheapo supermarket own-brand pantiliners.

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22 Nov 2016, 11:57 am

I just go with the Tampax, but I get the large ones because you spend less money using them. A lot of girls seem to think buying the large ones means you have a larger vagina but no, they aren't that much bigger - it's to absorb more.
I sometimes do double protection when my flow is heavy or if I have a cold and need to cough a lot, so Always are my go to with pads.

Tampons I find easier because it doesn't irritate and feels like nothing is there.

Also protip: stock up when they are on sale, you actually save a lot more money doing that and you always have them in in case of an emergency.

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