Thanks for your input and your advice. I just wanted to post my list of current medications that I've actually been able to handle. I'm extremely sensitive to medicine. I'm on Paxil (anti depressant, low dose), Lamicital (mood stabilizer, low dose), Adderall (behavioral, high dose). I've tried many medications before these and had terrible side effects or they just weren't working. Lamictal has helped with emotional and sensory overload though. Don't notice anything different with Paxil. Adderall helps me focus and socialize more.[/quote]
When I was a teenager, I was put on six psychotropic medications! My academic performance declined along with my physical health. After six months of hell, my parents let me come off them. I then saw sunshine again.
Recently, I was put on an antidepressant (Lexapro) for a while because of extreme anxiety. I suffered a great deal. It made me weak and dizzy. I could not walk properly and I fell over many times. So embarrassing. I had to take time off work for weeks. Finally, my GP said I better came off it. I did and felt much better. I do have issues with sensory overload and emotions at times, but I'd rather lie on the ground thrashing than take medications. At least, I function well without medicine. I only rely on psychotherapy and counselling.
I understand that some people need medications. My friends, for example, don't function without her regular meds.