Kitty4670 wrote:
I know women need a mammogram after 40, but I don't want to go to one. My body been exposed to light when I was 6 & that how I got psoriasis all over my body. Do I really have to go get a mammogram? I'm just being stupid for not going.
I'm sorry for the intrusion here. But I have something to add. Light therapy is a TREATMENT for psoriasis. Are you sure that you weren't given light to help your skin when you were little? Little kids can be so confused about things. It's possible you thought that light was causing your skin problem, but it was really treating it.
There is an alternative to mammorgaphy. A very thorough breast exam where they feel every part of your breast carefully has been shown to be more effective in detecting breast cancer, but it failed to become popular with doctors because mammograms have been so talked-up in the media recently.
Good luck with everything!