As a male, I rather prefer women without makeup, though I can understand it as a sort of age-defying cosmetic, as I hate looking old myself. Younger women who know how to apply it can make it look good, but still, most don't really need it, and there's much positive to be said for the natural, fresh-faced "girl-next-door look" (as it was known back in the 60s and 70s).
As for shaving body parts, I wish there was some sort of electronic cabinet, where a human could step in, with just their head sticking out, and have all the hair on their bodies automatically nuked right off. Shaving intimate areas manually is such a chore, and often tricky and painful.
Hair on the head is attractive, I'll never get used to the current trend of men shaving their heads, on 99.9% of them it looks awful. Hair anywhere else is just a nasty animal affectation. We should have evolved beyond that by now.
"I don't mean to sound bitter, cynical or cruel - but I am, so that's how it comes out." - Bill Hicks