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18 May 2018, 12:50 am

From a facebook post I found a promotional offer of paying 10.00 shipping for a menstrual I went to the website and got it sent in the mail. It included two a smaller size and a larger size. So yeah I have not tried it out yet, but I do plan on it...I have found the past couple years its been uncomfortable to use tampons so I use a lot more pads, but I hate them because they feel kind of gross to wear. So I am hoping it may be a better alternative, also I think it would be more environmentally friendly. So has anyone else tried one of these or has thought about it?

Seems like a fairly new thing so just wanted to see if others have experiences about it, or have tried this kind of option and how it works if you have, like does it work well or what kind of challenges come with it. I understand you have to wash it I am a little concerned of how you would deal with it in a public bathroom, like if it gets full before you thought it how do you discreetly handle that?

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18 May 2018, 2:47 am

Goodbye tampons! Menstrual cups are great. I've been using them for maybe a year now and it would just seem so environmentally wasteful now to buy a pad or tampon.

It took me a bit to get the hang of removing my first one. But then I got the ones you got (the shipping-only promo ones) and they are easier to remove. But, they are more likely to not seal properly so might leak a little bit sometimes. Find the brand that suits you.

As for washing them can keep them in all day (no TSS yay!) and wait til you get home to clean them. I guess if you have heavy periods you'd use the bigger cup. I've never been worried that they'll overflow. I think if I did have to change one in a public restroom, I'd clean it with toilet paper and wash it properly when I got home. I'd rather do this than wrapping up a tampon and putting it in the bin that everyone else is touching.

So I give two enthusiastic thumbs up to cups!


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18 May 2018, 2:51 am

P.S. Is the promo still going? I ordered a second set once I'd tried them, since they are so cheap, so I don't have to buy one again for ages.


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18 May 2018, 2:58 am

yellowtamarin wrote:
Goodbye tampons! Menstrual cups are great. I've been using them for maybe a year now and it would just seem so environmentally wasteful now to buy a pad or tampon.

It took me a bit to get the hang of removing my first one. But then I got the ones you got (the shipping-only promo ones) and they are easier to remove. But, they are more likely to not seal properly so might leak a little bit sometimes. Find the brand that suits you.

As for washing them can keep them in all day (no TSS yay!) and wait til you get home to clean them. I guess if you have heavy periods you'd use the bigger cup. I've never been worried that they'll overflow. I think if I did have to change one in a public restroom, I'd clean it with toilet paper and wash it properly when I got home. I'd rather do this than wrapping up a tampon and putting it in the bin that everyone else is touching.

So I give two enthusiastic thumbs up to cups!

Yeah, it might just be the I have been using more pads because as of late I have found tampons uncomfortable but I don't like yeah perhaps this thing with some panty liners will work. Maybe I wont need those but I am so used to still needing a ultra thin pad on my underwear in case the tampon leaks. But yeah I think I just have to actually put it in and get used to it...the only reason I still think it is weird is because I have not tried it out yet. I mean in reality its not any weirder than the instructions on tampons...

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19 May 2018, 3:20 am

yellowtamarin wrote:
P.S. Is the promo still going? I ordered a second set once I'd tried them, since they are so cheap, so I don't have to buy one again for ages.

I am not sure, but the website the promo was from is, so they may still have it going on or may have other deals. I've bookmarked that page in case I want to order more, and also I want to get one or a few of their reusable pads.

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19 May 2018, 3:26 am

So I tried this thing out, and well I did not succeed this time...i couldn't get it to open up all the way once inside, so I will have to work with it some to figure it out. Also I had a concert to go to so since I was not able to figure it out yet I figured it would be better to go with tampons just in case. I didn't want to end up with a bloody mess situation at the concert. I'd rather be home for the trial and error stage.

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08 Jun 2018, 8:49 pm

I've tried them, and I personally didn't like them. They were too messy. I don't really have much of a period anymore though ever since I started taking birth control a few years ago. Just spotting, for which I just use a light tampon. I hate pads because they feel like a diaper and are just gross to me.


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15 Jun 2018, 4:01 pm

Well I got it inserted correctly, but then was worried about if it can get stuck or not so removed it right away. Now I am looking online to find out if that is possible or not. Seemed comfortable enough but I would be really embarrassed if I had to go to the doctor because I can't remove it. So far I am not finding anything about anyone having that issue.

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15 Jun 2018, 4:45 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Well I got it inserted correctly, but then was worried about if it can get stuck or not so removed it right away. Now I am looking online to find out if that is possible or not. Seemed comfortable enough but I would be really embarrassed if I had to go to the doctor because I can't remove it. So far I am not finding anything about anyone having that issue.

The first one I got was quite hard to remove as it seemed to suction quite firmly, but I've not had any such problem with the rebelkate one, more the opposite of it not quite suctioning properly. It's softer and flimsier and I imagine even if it somehow shifted orientation (don't know if that's possible?) it would still be easy enough to grab.


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15 Jun 2018, 5:35 pm

yellowtamarin wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Well I got it inserted correctly, but then was worried about if it can get stuck or not so removed it right away. Now I am looking online to find out if that is possible or not. Seemed comfortable enough but I would be really embarrassed if I had to go to the doctor because I can't remove it. So far I am not finding anything about anyone having that issue.

The first one I got was quite hard to remove as it seemed to suction quite firmly, but I've not had any such problem with the rebelkate one, more the opposite of it not quite suctioning properly. It's softer and flimsier and I imagine even if it somehow shifted orientation (don't know if that's possible?) it would still be easy enough to grab.

Yeah sounds like if it does get stuck/is hard to remove you really just have to relax and work with it to get it out...seems like the main thing is to just stay calm and relax and maybe push a little with the pelvic muscles to help push it lower to reach easier. Sounds like worst case senerio if you absolutely can't get it can go to a planned parenthood clinic for help :lol:

Of course now I am having trouble getting it in again, but probably too tense down there from my earlier efforts. So I'll wait and try later. I certainly did like that when I did manage to get it in properly I couldn't feel it at all.

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24 Sep 2018, 2:05 pm

Another thing I'd never heard of before... The ones I've seen online are like £20 unless they come from ebay (in which case I'm more concerned about toxins...) is £20 a good price or should I shop around?


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03 Oct 2018, 2:10 am

I've used them for years but for me they always leak so I have to wear pads as well. I have heavy periods though. I have recently started using reusable pads that you wash after wearing to cut down on waste and that works well. Helps if you buy red coloured pads though as you can never fully get the blood stains out!


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13 Oct 2018, 6:42 am

I've used these for many years, they worked well until my periods changed. Now I use mostly tampons. My period is heavy but last only one day. The flow is too heavy for the cup (I use fleurcup) to handle, I'd worry about leaks and need to empty it all the time. After this heavy day, it stops (like a faucet turning off) so no cup needed. There's no light flow days right now.

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