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Emu Egg
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26 Oct 2019, 12:18 pm

Pretty much no one likes me. I'm a polite person but I am shy and quiet, the sort of person who keeps to myself but I don't push others away either. At work none of the other women like me, especially my superior who treats me like I'm dirt :( The women I work with make fun of me behind my back and constantly make my desk messy because they know I hate pens and papers on my desk being unorganized. Just fed up now :(

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26 Oct 2019, 12:46 pm

People - especially women - seem to like me more now than they used to when I was younger.

Have you ever considered an assertiveness training? It's nice to be able to be polite but it's also necessary to be able to fight for yourself.

Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.

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26 Oct 2019, 12:48 pm

I feel like only a few really like me, as in they would seek out my company and talk to me even when they don't have to. But it's not like I really have many enemies these days either; most tolerate my company and mind their manners around me, so I'd dare say that while I'm not all that liked, I'm not exactly hated, either.

Emu Egg
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26 Oct 2019, 12:51 pm

magz wrote:
People - especially women - seem to like me more now than they used to when I was younger.

Have you ever considered an assertiveness training? It's nice to be able to be polite but it's also necessary to be able to fight for yourself.

That's something I've never considered actually. I'd like to be a bit more fierce, not nasty but so they know they can't treat me like this.

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26 Oct 2019, 12:57 pm

ShinyStar wrote:
magz wrote:
People - especially women - seem to like me more now than they used to when I was younger.

Have you ever considered an assertiveness training? It's nice to be able to be polite but it's also necessary to be able to fight for yourself.

That's something I've never considered actually. I'd like to be a bit more fierce, not nasty but so they know they can't treat me like this.

That's what I think would be right. My best to you :heart:

Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.

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26 Oct 2019, 3:51 pm

Only ones who feel a need to "mother" me. I still look like a teenager (at age 26) and can't "mask" to save my life, I tend to be treated like a child.

Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
-H. P. Lovecraft, "The Outsider"

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Oct 2019, 4:16 pm

magz wrote:
ShinyStar wrote:
magz wrote:
People - especially women - seem to like me more now than they used to when I was younger.

Have you ever considered an assertiveness training? It's nice to be able to be polite but it's also necessary to be able to fight for yourself.

That's something I've never considered actually. I'd like to be a bit more fierce, not nasty but so they know they can't treat me like this.

That's what I think would be right. My best to you :heart:

Thank you :heart:


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27 Oct 2019, 7:26 pm

dragonsanddemons wrote:
Only ones who feel a need to "mother" me. I still look like a teenager (at age 26) and can't "mask" to save my life, I tend to be treated like a child.

More or less like this in my case.

But at certain states of mind, I can be given a more equal chance and footing.

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01 Nov 2019, 2:10 pm

No apparently not ,, would appear have been a good target for other women to gaslight , based on my naivete . That really was never aware of . It would seem empathy makes me a target is how i am.
Mostly too late when , i figure out what has been going on..By then they have dragged others , idk or even met into the actions that by all outward appearances seem to be intended to seperate me from my possessions or well being . Have a religious appearing grandmotherly type , whom is particularily
adept at this and has been with other women , she singles out anyone that maybe, even remotely on to her. When awakening to situation occurs.

Does not feel good at all , even hateful. Cause she is so good at it no one believes, what you tell them , inspite of it happening before there eyes . She befriended me after murder of my husband and all alone . No support ...guess it was seen as opportunity to her .Oddly not empathetic , to what happened to my hubby .Thought was suppose to have been friends with this women over 12 yrs , before witnessing a murder in her back yard ,almost 2 yrs ago. that she did not want me to say anything about. Guy was arrested , sent to state prison , but not under actual circumstances of what really happened .( the clincher , the man killed 28 yr old was her own grandson . Man whom killed grandson was ex son in law .. real criminal type. Puts money on his prison books even to this day.) Just a fraction of things this woman tried to set me up for to advantage herself . Money, entertainment, time, effort , attempts to manipulate legal system. My own will, including my home in the will.
Seriously ! NT women ?

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01 Nov 2019, 2:21 pm

My peer group is fairly male-dominated. I have fewer close female friends than male friends. Sometimes this changes and the number becomes more balanced. With the subjects that I study, and my interests (such as improv) I tend to meet more men than women. However, I would like to make more female friends. I have a considerable amount that are either acquaintances, or we are friends but don't yet know each other that well. However, this is slowly starting to change.

When I was younger, my friends were all female. Then when I reached eleven years old, things became different. Fast forward even more, when I started to come out...sometimes it would put strain on my friendships with certain girls. For example, before I came out to my friends at the time they would hug me. Then, after I came out, they would hug everyone else and offer me a handshake instead. I'm not much of a close-contact person, in fact I'm still fairly particular about who I feel comfortable hugging and who I do not. Still, this sudden change saddened me a little.

Often, people tend to presume that I'm dating whichever male friend I happen to be hanging out with. Unless I'm out to them, or they correctly assume that I'm interested in women, then in which case they'll give me suspicious looks and either ask if I have a crush or make jokes about seemingly almost any woman around my age that I get on with. :roll:

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01 Nov 2019, 2:33 pm

Lost_dragon wrote:
My peer group is fairly male-dominated. I have fewer close female friends than male friends. Sometimes this changes and the number becomes more balanced. With the subjects that I study, and my interests (such as improv) I tend to meet more men than women. However, I would like to make more female friends. I have a considerable amount that are either acquaintances, or we are friends but don't yet know each other that well. However, this is slowly starting to change.

When I was younger, my friends were all female. Then when I reached eleven years old, things became different. Fast forward even more, when I started to come out...sometimes it would put strain on my friendships with certain girls. For example, before I came out to my friends at the time they would hug me. Then, after I came out, they would hug everyone else and offer me a handshake instead. I'm not much of a close-contact person, in fact I'm still fairly particular about who I feel comfortable hugging and who I do not. Still, this sudden change saddened me a little.

Often, people tend to presume that I'm dating whichever male friend I happen to be hanging out with. Unless I'm out to them, or they correctly assume that I'm interested in women, then in which case they'll give me suspicious looks and either ask if I have a crush or make jokes about seemingly almost any woman around my age that I get on with. :roll:

Sighes .. sorry you had had to go through that .

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Snowy Owl
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10 Nov 2019, 10:06 pm

I am ignored to most women because I am so shy

Snowy Owl
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11 Nov 2019, 6:02 am

No. People in general tend not to like me. These days I am pretty much a hermit and tend to avoid people.


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11 Nov 2019, 1:58 pm

Dreamsea wrote:
No. People in general tend not to like me. These days I am pretty much a hermit and tend to avoid people.

Sighes....... this is easy for me to relate to . As of late ... not caring if anyone likes me. If goods are exchanged for money ,, expect them at least respect that.. ( found this not necessarily the case when , contracting males to do anything physical or ? ) this no caring thing , now feels better . For me., and oddly enough . Public interactions seem better with NT world .. just my experience . Saving empathy for certain occassions, if i can ?

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11 Nov 2019, 2:18 pm

I don't know, the only women that aren't family I really interact with at all are the ones at work, and everyone is nice enough there if the women there don't like me they have not made any indication of it but its work and your supposed to be civil with your co-workers even if you don't like them. I barely talk there so people don't really talk to me much either(they probably figure i don't want to).

I am afraid if I do talk I might embarrass myself or I might go on about something too long so that just increases my social anxiety so I just don't end up saying much at all in the way of conversation. My experience in middle school and highschool was lots of girls didn't like me I got along with some though.

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11 Nov 2019, 11:47 pm

Most of the women I have been friends with as an adult (without CONSTANTLY monitoring and adapting myself for them) have been engineers, science teachers, etc - so women in more traditionally "male" fields. They also have often been people who mostly hung out with guy friends and/or on the fringes of groups in school. Maybe fellow aspies or maybe just more okay with my bluntness and social blindness since many men, at least in the US, are more blunt and miss (or ignore) subtle cues as well?

But most women are a lot of work...too many indirect statements and cues I am supposed to pick up on and too easily offended when I miss something or don't feel the same way about something. Case in point: I did not think the ending to "The Notebook" was sad. The girls I watched the movie with in high school were appalled. Pretty sure they thought I was a sociopath or something, when I was really just being logical. *shrugs.* So most women are not people I would pursue a close relationship with, since it isn't a natural fit for either of us. We are still "friendly," but I don't get offended anymore that I don't get many invitations to social events outside of work. It is what it is.

~AQ 32; not formally diagnosed.~