My peer group is fairly male-dominated. I have fewer close female friends than male friends. Sometimes this changes and the number becomes more balanced. With the subjects that I study, and my interests (such as improv) I tend to meet more men than women. However, I would like to make more female friends. I have a considerable amount that are either acquaintances, or we are friends but don't yet know each other that well. However, this is slowly starting to change.
When I was younger, my friends were all female. Then when I reached eleven years old, things became different. Fast forward even more, when I started to come out...sometimes it would put strain on my friendships with certain girls. For example, before I came out to my friends at the time they would hug me. Then, after I came out, they would hug everyone else and offer me a handshake instead. I'm not much of a close-contact person, in fact I'm still fairly particular about who I feel comfortable hugging and who I do not. Still, this sudden change saddened me a little.
Often, people tend to presume that I'm dating whichever male friend I happen to be hanging out with. Unless I'm out to them, or they correctly assume that I'm interested in women, then in which case they'll give me suspicious looks and either ask if I have a crush or make jokes about seemingly almost any woman around my age that I get on with.

Sighes .. sorry you had had to go through that .