AngelaDEF wrote:
A great remedy for PMS is pregnancy, lol
I am afraid to admit how true that is! In fact, I finally realized how serious my over-the-top PMS emotionality was only after getting pregnant and nursing for over a year. I had 2 years of sweet relief from the monthly fights and crying fests! Once my period came back and brought all the madness and tears along, I finally realized (thanks to my husband's urging) that what I was experiencing was not normal, and I really needed to do something. Since I was still nursing I was reluctant to take any medication, so I looked for natural alternatives. Chasteberry/Vitex was really well recommended everywhere I looked, but I worried about taking even that while nursing....and then I found a recommendation to take a calcium supplement, which seemed safe enough, so I did that.
And wowza! It really helped a lot. It didn't make it all go away, but it made the monthly emotional tirades less fierce. They say it can take up to 3 months to notice a difference; I was lucky and notice a change the first month.
Now 11 years later, I am going through perimenopause, and it seems I need something stronger... but I will save that for another thread.
Wishing you the best as you find the right thing that works for you! I second the recommendation on healthy diet and exercise being essential, if you are not already doing that. And yes to trying out natural supplements first.