Whale_Tuune wrote:
Sometimes I feel like a third gender, not in a nonbinary way. I feel so rejected and judged by other women, and so alien and undesirable to men, that I feel like a subwoman-- not a man, in a female body, but with none of the mystique and allure that is supposed to accompany womanhood.
I hate people on here telling me how attractive I am and I got someone telling me "the world is my oyster" because I'm a young woman. I know it's well intentioned, but I never once felt desirable and pretty like a woman. Other women intimidate me, I feel like they are higher than me in femininity and girliness. I feel inadequate next to them.
So... I don't feel like a girl but like a subwoman. I wondered if anyone else can relate?
I always felt a bit like that. Like I wasn't female and I wasn't male either. I was terrified of other women when I was younger but I was abused by my mother so that's why. I've got older now and to be honest I don't really care. I do my own thing. I talk to and even flirt with whoever I want whether they are male or female. I've got my own thing going on. I'm kind of neutral but I'm not keen on labels.
I know what you are saying about not wanting to be patronised about what you look like because you're not feeling it. Maybe it just might take you a bit longer than other people to find your feet in the world.
The bottom line is; you are a woman not subwoman and you are just as worthy as the rest of us. Other women may seem scary to you now but we're not all judgemental but it's up to yourself to give yourself the chance to discover that. Once you have confidence in some women being OK then you will have the confidence in yourself as a woman too.
Please don't give up. Give yourself a chance.
We have existence