I used to get those (or something like 'em) pains. Nothing, then severe pain that was unrelated to much of anything. Had me on my knees more than once. Over a period of a couple of years they got to where they turned into a continuous dull ache interspersed with the severe spells. Walking or being in a car that hit a bump was excruciating, at the last of it. Turned out I had a large, blood filled ovarian cyst that had grown inside an ovary, rather than on the surface, in such a way as to twist the fallopian tube (that was the pain) when I moved wrong. After it grew some more, the twist became permanent, and I started having minor hemmoraging internally as blood flow was cut off or otherwise compromised. After trips to several doctors, ultra-sounds, etc., over several months I finally found one doc who recommended removing it. The others had recommended tylenol, or birth control pills (which didn't work to shrink it), to seeing a psychologist for my "imagined" pain. I even had a colonoscopy to rule out other causes of the pain. New Doc also recommended removing the entire works, as I'm older and plan no more children - I guess the insurance reimbursement would have been higher for him if he'd done that, or something. I passed on that option, but we did go ahead and have a laproscopic surgery that had me up and around in about 10 days. They removed the entire ovary and tube, and once the minor incisions healed, no more pain. It was like the difference between night and day, really.
If you haven't had them do an ultrasound to check out those cysts, you might want to. And to have them monitored a couple of times a year, if you can manage it. They kept telling me they usually go away on their own, and later that the birth control pills should shrink 'em. But neither happened in my case. It was later found that part of the cyst was actually a benign growth that they hadn't noticed in any of the preliminary observations. Pain like that is not something you want to ignore. It might just be gas, or it might be a problem with your intestine (IBS can be painful), it might be something referring, it might be an ovarian cyst problem, it could be a lot of things. If your body is screaming at you, you really shouldn't let the docs tell you it's nothing. Good luck finding one who will find out what it really is.