sinsboldly wrote:
just think about what you are saying, 0_equals_true.
that women of the 80's were somehow of
one mind about feminism.
that women were
coerced to leave their happy homes and
forced to join 'communes'
that perfectly good heterosexuals were somehow
successfully indoctrinated to become homosexuals
that they were forced to join communities where their personal rights and freedoms were mandatorily given up (by peer pressure or a gun to the head or what
ever made them toe the fascist feminist line.)
that they were compelled to commit vandalism and become 'star struck' in their political power
because of all this illegal kidnapping and forced indoctrination the people that did all this were not arrested and convicted of these crimes but they simply caused their label of 'feminism' to be a "dirty word, or meaningless"and the perpetrators walked away Scot Free?
no, you are talking about
Lesbian Separatist Communities, not the
Feminism Movement. They are concurrent but they are NOT the same.
So tell me, 0_equals_true, if all this was done to innocents, don't you think I could find one case, even ONE CASE of it on WestLaw?
Perhaps it is listed next to the mythological 'bra burning( ... urning.htm)
So, 0_equals_true, since I lived in Berkeley and in the Feminist movement of the 1960's till the present, I would love to see some actual documentation to your outrageous claims about
feminism of the 80's. I will not accept any information from Rush Limbaugh, though, so that might just cut down on your 'proof'.
oh, and I have the documentation, so bring it on.
Wow wasn't expecting that. I never said that were women were of one mind
ever. In fact I think that is a flaw of some people who call themselves feminists have.
'several feminist activist groups' does not equal all. I meant a number of not even the majority, they just happened to have some influence such as the Greater London Council.
Now I’m am extremist, great…
I'll try to find the bbc documentary, that interviewed various people in various feminist groups. I never said they were forced or coerced. I did see some regret and also tears in one or two of them not all. That doesn't mean they didn't still feel they didn't do important work, or even believe in it. What I was talking about happened in the uk.
Regardless I still don't see how you would think being gay automatically make you free of prejudice or a feminist. That was my point after all.
Please can you re-read what I wrote? to try see it in a slightly differently light--I'm not a neocon. I just think the world 'feminism' has ownership issues with some people. The identity politic problem was something brought up by some the members themselves and creating an impossibly fragmented system.
I would consider myself a humanist. Especially we as humans are capable of choices, even counter to our original animal behavior or as it is involving. That is an amazing/beautiful capability that we have. We actually need that to live in a society in my opinion, constantly adjusting to gain a sense of stability. I don’t really think anyone is ever ‘stable’ as in there isn’t neutral in a person people adjust all the time so that we can get along or not. As a liberal I believe people have a choice to live ‘traditionally’ so long as they don’t force their view on other people. Traditions come and go. I’m not really a fan of Victorianism. But I wouldn’t insist on my lifestyle either, or even claim to know myself. The 60’s was by no means the first ‘sexual revolution’ or as you said all that accurately depicted.